A fairly simple rails engine that takes your Rails locale and makes it available in your Javascript. All you have to do is add this to your Gemfile, mount the engine and include the javascript locale in your page.
add the gem to your Gemfile
gem 'locale_js'
mount the engine in our routes.rb
mount LocaleJs::Engine => '/i18n'
then add this to your application layout
<script src="/i18n/locale/<%= I18n.locale %>.js"></script>
Populate your locale file as normal..
hello: "Hello World"
foo: "%{foo} test"
baz: "The craic is %{craic}"
You can then translate strings in your JS just like I18n...
=> 'Hello World'
I18n.t('foo', {foo: 'bar'})
=> 'bar test'
I18n.t('bar.baz', {craic: 'mighty!'})
=> 'The craic is mighty!'
Rails 3.0 or greater
Copyright (c) 2012 John Butler
See LICENSE.txt for details.