ReMock.js is a simulation data generator which is reproduced from Mock.js, with some difference on data schema & parsing, also fixed some issues in Mockjs.
Schema: use native javascript syntax in schema for more flexibility.
Parsing: Parse as Native javascript string.
Support: add Japanese & Korea in random words & strings.(not support for
) -
Bundle: use rollup bundler for production, you can use as
$ npm install remockjs
or by CDN
<script src=""></script>
// CDN
const { mockXHR, mockRequest } = window.ReMock;
// mock request
mockRequest('get', '/api/test', {
data: {
msg: '@string()'
// demo request by jQuery XHR
$.ajax('/api/test', {
method: 'get',
success(res) {
there are 4 main methods in remockjs
the basic mock function only creates random data by schema. you can see more detail usage below.
- schema:
- type:
- type:
import { mock } from 'remockjs';
const mockData = mock('@string()');
mock the native XHR object to intercept the AJAX request from client. you should also use the mockRequest
so that remockjs will know which request should be intercept.
- options({ timeout, withCredentials })
- timeout:
- withCredentials:
- timeout:
import { mockXHR, mockRequest } from 'remockjs';
// intercept native XHR
timeout: 1000,
withCredentials: true,
// mock request
mockRequest('get', '/api/test', {
data: '@string()',
if you want to cancel the mock feature anytime, you can receive the cancel function from above:
the cancel
will delete all the mocked caches and retrieve back the Native XHR object.
const cancelMock = mockXHR({
timeout: 1000,
withCredentials: true,
// do some stuff ...
mock target method & url with responseData
- method:
- url:
- responseData:
anything can be pass in mock()
Be aware that currently the
only supports pure string,regexp
will not take effect.
if responseData can be an function or return promise:
but if using function
or promise
, you should mock the data yourself by mock
import { mock, mockRequest } from 'remockjs';
// function response
mockRequest('get', '/api/test', function() {
const data = {
name: '@name()',
data.age = '@natural(30)';
return mock(data);
// promise response
mockRequest('get', '/api/test', function() {
return new Promise((resolve) => {
const data = {
name: '@name()',
data.age = '@natural(30)';
is an object which contains all mock methods for you.
import { Random } from 'remockjs';
const mockString = Random.string();
import remockjs function to mock a data
import { mock } from 'remockjs';
const mockname = mock('@name()');
// Steven Walker
const mockArr = mock(['@name()', '@name()']);
// ["Donna Clark", "Jessica Thompson"]
const mockData = mock({
name: '@name()',
// { name: "Susan Clark" }
mock nested data:
const nestedData = mock({
nickname: '@string("lower", 3, 10)', // "qbnwpy"
isJackpot: '@boolean()', // true
cp: '@natural(0, 1000)', // 323
integer: '@integer(-5, 5)', // -1
ch: '@character()', // "i"
flt: '@float(28, 31, 3, 3)', // 29.615
now: '@now("month", "yyyy-MM-dd")', // "03-2021-01"
img: '@image("200x100")', //
color: '@rgba()', // rgba(219, 242, 121, 0.72)
word: '@word("jp", 3, 5)', // "うジジろ"
sentence: '@sentence("en", 3, 5)', // "VZTzfUpgo dtuWvIs ASrKOXqLH."
title: '@title("jp", 1)', // "タりかうジずフ"
name: '@name("jp")', // "佐久間園子"
url: '@url("http")', // ""
email: '@email("", 8, 12)', //
region: '@region("ch")', // "华中"
city: '@city("ch", true)', // "上海市 杨浦区"
county: '@county("ch", true)', // "四川省 广元市 青川县"
zip: '@zip(6)', // "423237"
id: '@id("ch")', // 350000199401021322
profile: {
name: '@name("ch")',
age: 20,
// get 2-4 items as new list
'friends|2-4': [
// get 1 as final => 'a'
'list|1': [
// probability system
yanTest: {
'dept|key:1/3': {
name: '@name("tw")',
value: 'asdjlkasd'
'name|key:2/3': '@name("tw")',
// combine js usage
jstext: '"Hello " + @name() + ", now time is " + @now("year")',
phone: '"+8869" + @natural(10000000, 100000000)',
// execute function result as final
functext: function({ natural }) {
return ['a', 'b', 'c', 'd'][natural(3)];
// multi string pool
multistr: '@string(["lower", "number", "kr"])'
There are 9 modules which mostly created by Mockjs, with some modified.
the basic module in remockjs has boolean
, natural
, integer
, character
, float
, string
create a random boolean value.
mock('@boolean()'); // true
create a random natural number(>= 0).
mock('@natural()'); // 0-9007199254740992
mock('@natural(10)'); // 0-10
mock('@natural(10, 30)'); // 10-30
create a random integer number.
mock('@integer()'); // (-9007199254740992)-9007199254740992
mock('@natural(10)'); // (-9007199254740992)-10
mock('@natural(-5, 5)'); // (-5)-5
create a random float number
mock('@float(10, 20, 2, 3)'); // 13.13
mock('@float(10, 20, 3, 3)'); // 16.452
create a character from pool.
- pool:
- type:
- default:
- allowed pool:
- mixed allowed pool:
=> [lower
=> [chinese
=> [chinese-tradition
=> [hiragana
=> [korea
=> [lower
] same asen
=> [lower
- type:
if the pool is not defined, will use
pool, if the pool is defined but not allowed in above, the pool text itself will become the pool string to use.
mock('@character()'); // t
mock("@character('tw')"); // 具
mock("@character('jp')"); // ノ
mock("@character('kr')"); // ㅟ
mock("@character(['kr', 'jp'])"); // ㅟ or ノ
mock("@character('apple')"); // p
create a string from pool with length range.
- pool: same with
- default:
- default:
mock("@string('en')"); // xFB
mock('@string(10)'); // CSPpD#cA@#
mock('@string(5, 7)'); // gJUL&XE
mock("@string('en', 5, 7)"); // PRjuIY
text module has word
, sentence
, paragraph
, title
create random word from pool
- pool:
- format: same with
method - default:
- format: same with
mock("@word('en')"); // grhU
create random sentence from pool(structure by word
mock("sentence(3, 5)"); // Ywdvk rmhth vfgfgbbsm jtif pihqlvnml.
mock("sentence('ch', 3, 5)"); // 体道本儿段 分空记上在你经连况金 组儿确.
create random paragraph from pool(structure by sentence
mock("paragraph(1, 2)");
// Cxzyt lwllrjhoj rfckmm bxm atinmnq tfdiilyj hkte eolyh gqysoxtxu jemthwbxum irxwda. Rpjt mpvijscuw hifjmpj rxljovdle dqkeutlcy yjskzkohk vrl plweufj uzjy fpp fpjoqhyud uoiedgic.
mock("paragraph('ch', 1, 2)");
// 离万把斯点 计意率动制给至济温 最研果素 正什受之 观阶生例因石马 己西白器上保 广系对至第指节织使 比维切全 军习精说度只为持近能 通组型流保主信白 品海元江导组具 提看况 接些何例区.
create random title from pool
mock("title(1, 2)"); // Ehiqzhe Crlch
mock("title('ch', 1, 2)"); // 公把用权热往解
name module has first
, last
, name
- lang:
- allowed:
- default:
- allowed:
mock("@first('kr')"); // 장
mock("@first('jp')"); // 內藤
same with first
same with first
mock("@name()"); // Donna Johnson
mock("@name('jp')"); // 北原遼太郎
date module has date
, time
, datetime
, now
create random date with format.
- format:
- default:
- default:
Format | Description | Example |
yyyy | A full numeric representation of a year, 4 digits | 1999 or 2003 |
yy | A two digit representation of a year | 99 or 03 |
y | A two digit representation of a year | 99 or 03 |
MM | Numeric representation of a month, with leading zeros | 01 to 12 |
M | Numeric representation of a month, without leading zeros | 1 to 12 |
dd | Day of the month, 2 digits with leading zeros | 01 to 31 |
d | Day of the month without leading zeros | 1 to 31 |
HH | 24-hour format of an hour with leading zeros | 00 to 23 |
H | 24-hour format of an hour without leading zeros | 0 to 23 |
hh | 12-hour format of an hour without leading zeros | 1 to 12 |
h | 12-hour format of an hour with leading zeros | 01 to 12 |
mm | Minutes, with leading zeros | 00 to 59 |
m | Minutes, without leading zeros | 0 to 59 |
ss | Seconds, with leading zeros | 00 to 59 |
s | Seconds, without leading zeros | 0 to 59 |
SS | Milliseconds, with leading zeros | 000 to 999 |
S | Milliseconds, without leading zeros | 0 to 999 |
A | Uppercase Ante meridiem and Post meridiem | AM or PM |
a | Lowercase Ante meridiem and Post meridiem | am or pm |
_T | Milliseconds, since 1970-1-1 00:00:00 UTC | 759883437303 |
create random time with format.
- format:
- default:
- default:
create random datetime with format.
- format:
- default:
yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss
- default:
create now datetime with specific unit & format.
- unit:
- format:
- default:
yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss
- default:
image module has image
, pngimage
, jpgimage
, gifimage
image url is created by dummyimage
create an image url with size.
| name | description | required | default | | ---- | ---- | ---- | ---- | ---- | | size | size of the image holder | optional | 100x100 | | bgColor | color of image background | optional | #000 | | frColor | color of image foreground | optional | #fff | | format | format of image | optional | png | | text | text in image | optional | image size string |
same with image
same with image
same with image
color module has color
, hex
, rgb
, rgba
, hsl
, hsv
create random color with hex type.
mock("@color()"); // #f29f79
same with color
create random rgb color.
mock("@rgb()"); // rgb(121, 242, 229)
create random rgba color.
mock("@rgba()"); // rgba(242, 185, 121, 0.33)
create random hsl color.
mock("@hsl()"); // hsl(144, 82%, 71%)
create random hsl color.
mock("@hsv()"); // hsv(19, 50%, 95%)
web module has domain
, protocol
, url
, email
, ip
create random domain
- ctld:
- default: one of
com net org edu gov int mil cn tw...
- default: one of
mock('@domain()'); //
mock("@domain('kkcom')"); // xiilth.kkcom
create random protocol
- pool:
http https ftp gopher mailto mid cid news nntp prospero telnet rlogin tn3270 wais
mock('@protocol()'); // mailto
create random url
- protoc:
- default:
- default:
- host:
- default:
- default:
mock("@url('http', '')"); //
create random email
- domain:
- default:
- default:
- pool, min, max: same with
- default:
- default:
mock("@email('', 8, 12)"); //
mock("@email('', ['lower', 'number'], 8, 12)") //
create random ip
mock('@ip()'); //
address module has region
, province
, city
, county
, zip
since total address data can be really huge, remockjs only includes partial data.
create random region by type
- type:
- allowed:
- default:
- allowed:
mock('@region()'); // 华北
create random region by type
- params: same with region
mock('@province()'); // 青海省
create random city by type
- type: same with region
- prefix: whether shows prefix address
mock("@city('ch')"); // 青海省
mock("@city('ch', true)"); // 新疆维吾尔自治区 哈密市
create random city by type
- params: same with city
mock("@county('ch')"); // 天涯区
mock("@county('ch', true)"); // 吉林省 延边朝鲜族自治州 图们市
create zip code by len
- len:
- type:
- default: 6
- type:
mock("@zip()"); // 136307
mock("@zip(3)"); // 860
misc module has guid
, uuid
, id
, increment
create random guid
mock("@guid()"); // 662C63B4-FD43-66F4-3328-C54E3FF0D56E
create id by type
- type:
- allowed:
- default:
- allowed:
Be aware that the fake
is only allowed to used in test purpose.
mock('@id()'); // 794-30-4597
create auto increment method
- step:
- type:
- default: 1
- type:
import { Random } from 'remockjs';
const mockData = mock({
'list|3-5': [
id: Random.increment(2),
The schema rules seperate in 2 part, value
, key
schema as following.
'name|rule': value
@ | type | description | demo |
name | string | data key name | - |
rule | string | mock rule | 1 , 2-4 , key:1/3 |
value | any | mock data | raw text , @name() , @first() + @last() |
value can still be normal data which will be pass normally.
if string contains @xxx
remockjs method, the string will be executed as javascript & return the result.
const mockData = mock({
name: '@name()',
const mockData = mock({
msg: "'Hello, ' + @name()",
Array can contain string, array, object items
const mockData = mock({
list: [
id: '@natural(100)',
['@name()', '@name()'],
const mockData = mock({
myObj: {
name: '@name()',
age: '@natural(30) + 1911',
if value is an function, the function will be executed by remockjs, and the return value of function will be the final result.
const mockData = mock({
// "C"
level: function({ natural }) {
const levelMap = ['A', 'B', 'C'];
const levelIndex = natural(levelMap.length - 1);
return levelMap[levelIndex];
key schema can be used by specific value type
the string value will be repeated, can use 2 schema
- key|count
- key|min-max
const mockData = mock({
'repeatStr|3': 'apple', // appleappleapple
'repeatRange|2-4': 'apple', // appleapple
the number value can use 2 schema
- key|+=count: auto increment number
- key|min-max: similar to
, to original value will be ignored
const mockData = mock({
'id|+=1': 0, // 1
'id|+=2': 0, // 2
'id|+=3': 0, // 3
'num|1-8': 3, // 2
const mockData = mock({
'list|3': [
'id|+=2': 0,
// mock into
// {
// list: [
// { id: 2 },
// { id: 4 },
// { id: 6 }
// ]
// }
the array value can use 2 schema
- key|count: count length items
- key|min-max: will pick items in array and return new array with given range number
const mockData = mock({
'list|3': [
// mock into
list: ["Jose Anderson", "Karen Taylor", "Christopher Lee"]
Be aware that if you use key schema on other types of value or unsupported schema for the value type, the key schema will be ignored and just return the mock value.
there's one last special schema for using probability in some situation.
- key|cache_id:min/max
the cache_id
can be any string, remockjs will group up those key with the same cache_id
, and inject the picked item in the end of mock.
is Numerator
, max
is Denominator
, if max
is not provided, remockjs will auto sum up all the min
in the same cache_id
as max
Be aware that if
you provided is over the sum ofmin
, the left propability will use fallback target without error(which means all yourcache_id
items wont shown because of the overmax
This is useful when there are over two keys that are only allowed to show one of them.
const mockData = mock({
'name|cache:1/2': '@name()',
'nickname|cache:1/2': '@name()'
Since the injection is executed in the end of mock, you can also define the cache_id
in different level of data.
const mockData = mock({
'parent|cache:1/3': '@name()',
child: {
'name|cache:1/3': '@name()',
'nickname|cache:1/3': '@name()',
This plugin is 90% above produced by Mockjs
, just modified some parts myself.
Last updated: 2021-03-24
by johnnywang