- Desktop mode:
- Play or Pause the game with the "Space-bar" key if game is on
- Replay game with the "Enter key" or "Space-bar" key
- Allow or disallow snake to pass through field boundary with the "P" key or with one of the buttons at the bottom right
- Mute or unmute game sound with the "M" key or with one of the buttons at the bottom right
- Mobile mode:
- Game pad for movement
- Double click game field to pause or play the game on mobile
- Vibration enabled to simulate pad press and game over
- Mute or unmute game sound using one of the buttons at the bottom right
- Allow or disallow snake to pass through field boundary using one of the buttons at the bottom right
- Activate or deactivate pad vibration using one of the buttons at the bottom right
- Changing of pad color (your preference) with the up and down arrow keys at the bottom right
- Both:
- Enable fullscreen mode
- Unlock new Levels by eating specific number of foods
- Automatic game save to browser cache
- Automatic game pause when you leave the browser
- Game speed increases per food eaten