Capture events from a sports match as input to a match report.
Goal: to allow a spectator to broadcast a live news feed from a mobile device about the match via social media (Twitter).
Start of match End of match Half time Start of second half
A scoring event
Other significant events (player sent off, fould, penalty, etc.)
Events will be posted to Twitter (or other social media), depending on the significance of the event).
Collate all the events and send to a nominated contact as the basis of a match report
Initial desired solution:
Android app connected to Twitter.
Report on a Rugby Union match.
Be able to enter names of both teams.
Counter to track minutes played.
Be able to post the start of the match, half-time (with current score), start of second-half and full-time (with final score).
Be able to post each score event: try, conversion, penalty scored, drop goal. Each score event to include the time of the event (minutes played) and the updated match score.