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Add 3rdparty/defin: DEFIN 11/2/85 by Steve Willett
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johnsonjh committed Apr 9, 2021
1 parent e990cd4 commit 8346406
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Showing 3 changed files with 203 additions and 0 deletions.
Binary file added 3rdparty/defin/
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43 changes: 43 additions & 0 deletions 3rdparty/defin/defin.doc
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@@ -0,0 +1,43 @@

This is the description of the DEFIN.COM program which was
written by Steve Willett.

This is a filter program which takes an input file and copies
it to an output file with the following modifications:

1. All seventh bits are first set low.

2. After that all characters which are neither printable
nor a carriage return or a line feed are replaced
with a "~" (tilde).

This file treats the input file as an untyped (non text) file
and therefore ignores the ^Z (end of file) marker in CPM text
files. Therefore it will automatically undo the FIN stop which
is in a Perfect Writer FIN file. In addition it will probably
stick some garbage at the end of the file which was beyond the
^Z in the last record it reads.

To use it just type DEFIN. The program prompts you for an input
file name and an output file name. It will display on the screen
the contents of the output file as it writes it. After DEFIN is
done, you can use Perfect Writer to edit your new output file.

The new output file will probably have lots fo tildes in it! They
represent all the control characters and other special characters
which were inserted in the file by Perfect Formatter. In addition
there will be odd characters imbedded in the tildes - most printers
use printable characters with non-printable characters for their

You can now use Perfect Writer's Search and Replace functions to
clean up your file. Try going through it and replacing all "~~"'s
with "~". This will shorten all those long strings of tildes. You
will have to recreate all the style and environment commands you had
in the original document, however, since these were converted by
Perfect Formatter into printer commands.

Good luck!
Steve Willett

160 changes: 160 additions & 0 deletions 3rdparty/defin/defin.pas
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@@ -0,0 +1,160 @@
program defin;
{a program to help recover a Perfect Writer .FIN file.}
{It converts all non-printable characters into "~"s}
{11/2/85 by Steve Willett}

CR = 13;
LF = 10;

string15 = string[15];
string3 = string[3];
filemode = (RD, WRT);
rawfile = file;
bytebuffer = array[0..127] of byte;

Overwrite : boolean = false;
Abort : boolean = false;

InFile, OutFile : rawfile;
Count, ch : byte;
Buffer : bytebuffer;

function Yes : boolean;
{to get a response to a yes/no question from the keyboard}
const Prompted : boolean = false;
var Answer : char;
read(Kbd, Answer);
Answer := upcase(Answer);
if not (Answer in ['Y','N']) then begin
if not Prompted then begin
Prompted := true;
write(' -enter "Y" or "N", please-');
end; {if not Prompted}
end; {if not Y/N}
until (Answer in ['Y','N']);
Yes := (Answer='Y');
end; {Yes}

function FileOpen(var FL : rawfile; FN : string15; MD : filemode; OW : boolean) : boolean;
{to assign, open and test a file}
var Failed : boolean;
ErrorNumber : byte;
assign(FL, FN);
{$I-} reset(FL); {$I+}
case MD of
WRT : begin
ErrorNumber := IOResult;
Failed := (ErrorNumber=0);
if OW then Failed := false;
if Failed then begin
writeln(FN,' already exists - overwrite?');
Failed := not Yes;
end; {if Failed}
if not Failed then rewrite(FL);
end; {WRT case}
RD : begin
ErrorNumber := IOResult;
Failed := (ErrorNumber<>0);
if Failed then writeln('Cannot open input file ',FN,' I/O error #',ErrorNumber);
end; {RD case - if IOresult<>0}
end; {case MD}
FileOpen := not Failed;
end; {FileOpen}

procedure Initialize;
{to initialize variables and query for defaults}

var InFileName, Name, OutFileName : string15;
Ext : string3;
ch : char;
Count, Count1 : integer;

function Control(ch : char) : string3;
{to convert a char for writing to the screen}
if ch<' ' then Control := '^'+chr(ord(ch)+64) else Control := ch;

function GetName(var NM : string15; EX : string3) : string15;
{to return a CPM filename with or without default extension EX}
Extent : boolean;
Count, Dot : integer;
Temp : string15;

writeln('Please enter a CP/M standard filename. "',NM,'" is the default');
writeln('Type ".',EX,'" is assumed if not given explicitly');
Dot := 0;
Count := 0;
while Count<length(Temp) do begin
Count := Count+1;
Temp[Count] := upcase(Temp[Count]);
if Temp[Count]='.' then Dot := Count;
end; {while Count<length}
if Dot<>0 then begin
NM := copy(Temp, 1, Dot-1);
EX := copy(Temp, Dot+1, length(Temp)-Dot);
end {if Dot<>0}
else if Count<>0 then NM := Temp;
GetName := NM + '.' + EX;
end; {GetName}

begin {Initialize}

for Count := 1 to 20 do writeln(' ');
writeln('DEFIN - the file to help remove non-printable characters from');
writeln('a Perfect Write .FIN file. Copyright 11/3/85 by Steve Willett');
writeln('written in Turbo Pascal ver. 2.0 - copyright Borland International');

Name := 'STRIP';
writeln('File name of input file?');
InFileName := GetName(Name, 'FIN');
writeln('File name of output file?');
OutFileName := GetName(Name, 'MSS');

Abort := not FileOpen(InFile, InFileName, RD, Overwrite);
if not Abort then
Abort := not FileOpen(OutFile, OutFileName, WRT, Overwrite);

end; {Initialize}

begin {defin}
if Abort then writeln('Aborting') else begin
while not eof(InFile) do begin
blockread(InFile, Buffer, 1);
for Count := 0 to 127 do begin
ch := Buffer[Count] and 127;
if not (ch in [CR, LF, 32..126]) then ch := 126;
Buffer[Count] := ch;
end; {forCount}
if eof(InFile) then Buffer[127] := 26;
blockwrite(OutFile, Buffer, 1);
end; {while not eof}

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