Author: @johnwalicki
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I've arranged this git repository to be read as an IBM Code Pattern workshop tutorial.
The first section details how to set up a Particle Electron Asset Tracker v2 to send environmental sensor data and location to the cloud. This implementation uses a Particle Electron. Since we don't have dozens of Particle Electrons, I will demo mine from the podium. By the end of the workshop you will be reading environmental data off this tracker.
The second section implements a Perishable Business Network using Hyperledger Fabric, Hyperledger Composer, Hyperledger Composer REST APIs running in the IBM Cloud Container Service managed by a Kubernetes cluster in the IBM Cloud.
In the third section, the power of Where, What and When is best visualized in a dashboard that plots the geo location path, the environmental sensor data and can control triggers and alerts. I use Node-RED running in the IBM Cloud to receive the IoT Asset Tracking data and write it to the Hyperledger Fabric using Hyperledger Composer REST APIs. I also use a Node-RED Dashboard to plot the shipment on a map.
- If you purchased your own Particle Electron, you will need to know the Particle Device ID and Access Token and insert it into Node-RED initialization flow.
- If your participating in a workshop, the instructor will share the Particle Device ID and Access Token in a separate slide (not part of GitHub)
At the end of the workshop, you will have a complete Hyperledger Blockchain with a food safety supply chain implemented and a Node-RED Map Dashboard that tracks the routes of my Particle.