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Configure 是一个附带检查的统一配置提供器。
Configure is a unified configuration provider with checks.
全新结构配置 Brand-New Structured Configuration
You might assign accurate type to the configuration type, and will initiate them all before program running. If your configuration file is broken or just wrong, you might need lots of check functions to ensure the value is correct. You can complete the value validation via this lib nowadays.
,如果配置文件错误,那么默认将会给出空字符串。空字符串将无法在执行载入时报错,只能频繁检查。另,更新配置时,容易出现意外的值错误。E.g.: There is an item named
, if your file goes wrong, the empty string will fill into the item. Empty string will not cause panic when it comes to you, so we must invoke a large number of check functions to avoid panic. However, the unexpected value might make you mad during updating the configuration. -
多嵌套的配置 Muti-Layer Configuration Support
非结构式配置通常使用全局映射(map)来解决。这类映射虽然看起来靠谱,但是在并发读写出现的时候容易诱发 panic。同时,扁平化的配置管理容易造成尴尬的局面——配置项超多造成的调用混乱甚至毫无层次感而言。
Non-Structured configuration will use
to solve the problem. This method seems robust, but if you do a write action during fetch the value, you might meet panic instead. And, flat configuration management will make you embarrassed just because lots of items will let you code without structure and lead you into mess.例如,邮件配置中,发件人与 SMTP 服务器地址其实与其他参数无关。使用全局映射的话,可能构成
的访问形式,不管使用 Visual Studio Code 还是其他工具,配合代码提示可以降低因为变量名接近带来的风险。E.g.: We all know that mail service needs SMTP server address and sender, but both two arguments have no relations to others. Under the circumstances, that we fetch value from global map data structure, the access code might like
, and we can turn it into shorter likeinfrastructure.confMap[const.Descriptor]
. However, you can do it likeinfrastructure.ConfigurationProvider.MailService.Sender
by choosing this lib. And if you use tools like Visual Studio Code, you can get better code experience and make fewer bugs. -
多文件的配置 Muti-File Configuration Support
If you use multiple files to solve the problem which you have lots of items, you need lots of check functions to ensure your project will not be terminated by an unexpected value and you should manage reference manually. And structured configuration design will meet some problems when partial items and global items loaded in the flash. You need to choose one of them, and there is no possibility of gray scale behaviour.
E.g.: Some configuration items designed to be a sub-item, but it just a simple string without any dependencies just like your database connection string ought to put into the database section and it’s a basic item you might never change it in an independent file.
一切的一切需要从引入 configure 开始:
If you wanna use configure, please execute:
go get -u github.com/johnwiichang/configure
package main
import (
type server struct {
Address configure.Field
DataCentre configure.Field `nilable:"yes"`
Position configure.Field `key:"Location"`
//Config コンフィギュレーションの基本構造。
var Config = struct {
Name configure.Field
Server server `external:"yes"`
func main() {
map1 := map[string]interface{}{
"Name": "チョウソウイ",
// Let's load the first configuration entity.
err := configure.Load(map1, &Config)
if err != nil {
map2 := map[string]interface{}{
"Address": "",
"Location": "CKG",
// The additional configurations.
err = configure.Load(map2, &Config.Server)
if err != nil {
map2["Location"] = "TYO"
// Reload the latest configuration without dirty actions when error occurred.
err = configure.Load(map2, &Config.Server)
if err != nil {
delete(map2, "Location")
// This action will not be applied to provider
err = configure.Load(map2, &Config.Server)
if err != nil {
{チョウソウイ {<nil> <nil> <nil>}}
{ <nil> CKG}
{ <nil> TYO}
config: the key Location is required but get nil
{ <nil> TYO}