Module and function libraries for annotating OpenSCAD models
These are library files originally developed for the 507 project. They provide modules and functions that wrap around and alongside OpenSCAD models which add elements of annotation around the models themselves. For example, measurementof of shape dimenions, or labeled flyouts detailing shape context that isn't available by visual inspection of the shape while it's in-scene.
Full details on how to implement the annotations shown here are at
is written and tested on OpenSCAD 2021.01, the most recent GA release of OpenSCAD. Visit for installation instructions.
You'll need the Belfry OpenSCAD Library (v.2). Authored by a number of contributors. Located at
To download this library, follow the instructions provided at
You'll also need openscad_objects (latest release), openscad_attachable_text3d (latest), and openscad_logging (latest).
Download the most recent tagged release and download its compressed tgz or zip file, whichever you're more comfortable with. Uncompress and extract the folder within the release, which should be named something like openscad_annoatations-0.0
. Rename that folder to openscad_annotations
, and move that folder to the OpenSCAD library directory for your platform:
- Linux: $HOME/.local/share/OpenSCAD/libraries/
- Mac OS X: $HOME/Documents/OpenSCAD/libraries/
- Windows: My Documents\OpenSCAD\libraries\
This library is copyright 2023-2024 Jonathan Gilbert [email protected], and released for use under the MIT License.