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Jon Gilbert edited this page Apr 16, 2024 · 2 revisions

Section: Logging Basics

Step: 1. Include logging

tl;dr: include <openscad_logging/logging.scad>

You'll need to include this file somewhere in your .scad file. Near the top of your .scad script, include this logging.scad file.

Step: 2. Set a logging level


Somewhere in your .scad file (ideally, near the start of the execution, but after you've included logging.scad) define the LOG_LEVEL variable. You define it as one of the LOG_ constants listed in the Constants section above.


If you're doing something esoteric and want to define the LOG_LEVEL before you've included logging.scad, you'll have to use the LOG_whatever numerical value and not the name of the constant.


Remember, since this is OpenSCAD, you can only define this variable once, and it cannot change once set: you're setting this value for the whole of your script as well as anything that includes it.

LOG_LEVEL doesn't set the priority of the messages emitted: it only limits the messages you see. You can think of LOG_LEVEL as the minimum log level which will emit a message to OpenSCAD's console, kind of like a noise filter. Only want to see errors? Use LOG_ERROR. Want to see every single log message displayed? LOG_DEBUG.

Step: 3. Call logging in modules when appropriate

tl;dr: log_warning("I'm a warning message.");

Within your model or function library, when you want to emit a message, call the appropriate logging function. Messages can have varying priority levels, and it's the call to log_whatever() that defines the priority of that message.

Of course, openscad_logging acts like all OpenSCAD functions and modules: log functions may be called anywhere so long as their return values are assigned to a variable; log modules may only be called by other modules and not within functions.

An example:

module mymodule(d) {
  log_debug(["mymodule() invoked with arg:", d]);
  if (d > 1000) {
     log_warning("mymodule(): supplied arg 'd' is really big, and may render slow");
  if (d < 0) {
     log_error("Can't have a model with negative dimensions");
  } else {

function myfunc(x) = 
      _ = log_info(["got a var to myfunc:", x])
   log_debug_assign(x + 1, "assigning value from myfunc():");

In this example, calls to mymodule() with a d argument that are exceptionally large will emit a warning; if d is negative, mymodule() will emit an error and no cube will be rendered. Calls to myfunc() will emit an info message that it was passed a value; and, it'll emit a debugging message when returning x + 1, which you'll see emitted into the console if the LOG_LEVEL is set to LOG_DEBUG.