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Verilog Examples
Leonard Pfeiffer edited this page Oct 25, 2023
40 revisions
.v // Verilog 2001 standard
.sv // SystemVerilog 2006 standard ❰ We us dis
module <name> #(
input <name>, // Input
input [x:y] <name>, <name>, // Multiple array "x downto y" inputs
inout reg <name>, // Simultaneus in- and output register
output <name> // Output
reg <type> <name>, <name>; // Registers (Save Data at end of clock cycle)
wire <type> [x:y] <name>; // Wire "from x downto y" (Transmits data almost instantly)
reg a = 0; // With initial value this time (mostly for sim)
parameter <type> <name>; // Generic (in port definition)
parameter <type> <name> = <value>; // Constant
localparam <type> <name> = <value>; // Constant inside module (can be computed from generics)
// Ports & params separated by ","
<module> #(
) <instance> (
always @ (<condition>) <actions>
initial <stmt>
initial begin
posedge clk // Rising edge of clock
negedge clk // Falling edge o clock
posedge rst // Rising edge of reset
if (<condition1>) begin
end else if (<condition>) begin
end else begin
case (<expr>)
<value> : begin
<value> : begin
default : begin
case (<expr>)
2'bxz : <expr>;
2'bzx : <expr>;
2'bxx : <expr>;
default : <expr>;
assign x = '1; // Assign whole vector to logical one (zero works too)
assign x = 25'd69;
assign x = a ? b : c; // Assign a if b (condition) else assign c to x
-7 46 123 // Integer
1.3 0.2 3e-5 // Real
"Hello kitty!" // String
0 // Logical zero
1 // Logical one
x // Unknown/undefined
z // What the actual f*ck
d46 D23 // Decimal
hFA HAE // Hexadecimal
o17 O77 // Octal
b10 b01 // Binary
32'd46 // 32 bit filled with (one!) decimal 46
8'b10101010 // "10101010" in binary as 8 bit-value
18'o777777 // 18 bits of ones from octal code
// Can be interpreted by totally not stupid compiler that will totally not produce untraceable errors
logic // Standard logic
time // For simulations
event // Complex (probably represents change of value of sens list connections / sens list itself)
// Elements separated by ","
typedef logic [x:y] <name>; // Arrays
typedef enum state {<e>} <name>; // For united states machines
typedef enum {<e>} <name>; // Not a state enum bruh
typedef enum [x:y] {<e>} <name>; // Enum with specified range
! // Logical negation
&& // Logical and
|| // Logical or
+ // Addition
- // Subtraction
* // Multiplication
/ // Division
% // Modulus
** // Exponentiation
~ // Bitwise negation
& // Bitwise and
~& // Bitwise nand
| // Bitwise or
~| // Bitwise nor
^ // Bitwise xor
~^ // Bitwise xnor
<< // Bitwise left shift (<expr> << <expr>)
>> // Bitwise right shift (<expr> >> <expr>)
= // Blocking asmt blocks access from other processes
<= // Nonblocking asmt allows simultaneous access
> // Greater than
>= // Greater than or equal to
< // Smaller than
<= // Smaller than or equal to
== // Logical equality
!= // Logical equality
=== // Case equality
!== // Case inequality
package <name>
$sin // Sinus
$cos // Cosinus
$tan // Tangens
$ln // Natural logarithm
$pow // Power function
$display // Output to console
$finish // Shut down simulation
$stop // Suspend sim in interactive mode, in 0 for minimal info, 2 for max
$time // Output sim time
#<expr> // Wait (delay) operator delays by <expr> time
function <return> <name> (<input>);