This library provides a multitude of Log4J 2.x Appenders:
This library also provides the following logging layouts:
- Bunyan - supported at a very basic level
- Logstash
- Send logging events to Logstash using TCP by combining the Netty TCP appender with the Logstash layout
- SlackLayout - for sending events to Slack/Discord
- Utilize the
class to add additional key-value mappings to a logging event before sending it to a specific destination
- The Netty TCP Appender will automatically queue messages to the local filesystem if it is unable to deliver messages via TCP. Once network connectivity is restored, these messages are delivered.
- The Slack/Discord Appenders will automatically select a suitable HTTP client based on the dependencies resolved during runtime:
- The priority for HTTP client selection is as follows:
- Apache HTTP Client 5.x
- async-http-client
- Java HttpClient - Fallback, if no other HTTP clients are available
- Java 17 (Java 11 is EOL)
- Log4J 2.x
- Netty 4.x
- Jackson Databind
- Jakarta Activation
- Maven 3.6.3 (at a minimum), the latest version is recommended
- Java 17 (we do not provide support for Java 8 and 11 as they are both end-of-life)