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This is a port of the Om tutorial to Reagent. The two libraries are both ClojureScript UI libraries built on top of React. It interesting to compare/contrast the two approaches.


git clone
cd reagent-tutorial
lein cljsbuild auto

Open app.html and read/edit src-cljs/reagent_tutorial/core.cljs.

Feedback welcome!

Code Walkthrough

First, we import the necessary namespaces:

(ns reagent-tutorial.core
  (:require [clojure.string :as string]
            [reagent.core :as r]))

clojure.string will be used for some simple parsing and reagent.core is the main entry point to all the good stuff in Reagent. We will only use two functions from the Reagent namespace: r/atom and r/render-component.

r/atom is very similar to the ordinary Clojure atom but with r/atom watchers are notified when someone dereferences the atom. r/render-component will be used to render the root UI component.

Next, we define a global r/atom which will hold our application state as well as a few helper functions to manipulate the contents of that state.

(def app-state
    [{:first "Ben" :last "Bitdiddle" :email "[email protected]"}
     {:first "Alyssa" :middle-initial "P" :last "Hacker" :email "[email protected]"}
     {:first "Eva" :middle "Lu" :last "Ator" :email "[email protected]"}
     {:first "Louis" :last "Reasoner" :email "[email protected]"}
     {:first "Cy" :middle-initial "D" :last "Effect" :email "[email protected]"}
     {:first "Lem" :middle-initial "E" :last "Tweakit" :email "[email protected]"}]}))

(defn update-contacts! [f & args]
  (apply swap! app-state update-in [:contacts] f args))

(defn add-contact! [c]
  (update-contacts! conj c))

(defn remove-contact! [c]
  (update-contacts! (fn [cs]
                      (vec (remove #(= % c) cs)))

Think of add-contact! and remove-contact! as the interface to our "database" of contacts. These two functions could be part of a protocol to allow different "backend" implementations.

parse-contact below is used to parse a string (hopefully containing a persons name) and either return nil if the string could not be parsed or a map with keys :first :last and optionally either :middle or :middle-initial. This function is the same as in the Om tutorial.

(defn parse-contact [contact-str]
  (let [[first middle last :as parts] (string/split contact-str #"\s+")
        [first last middle] (if (nil? last) [first middle] [first last middle])
        middle (when middle (string/replace middle "." ""))
        c (if middle (count middle) 0)]
    (when (>= (reduce + (map #(if % 1 0) parts)) 2)
      (cond-> {:first first :last last}
        (== c 1) (assoc :middle-initial middle)
        (>= c 2) (assoc :middle middle)))))
user=> (parse-contact "John")
user=> (parse-contact "John Doe")
{:first "John" :last "Doe"}
user=> (parse-contact "John E Doe")
{:first "John" :middle-initial "E" :last "Doe"}
user=> (parse-contact "John Edwin Doe")
{:first "John" :middle "Edwin" :last "Doe"}

The next two functions are used to create formatted strings from the maps created by parse-contact (these two functions are also copied from the Om tutorial):

(defn middle-name [{:keys [middle middle-initial]}]
   middle (str " " middle)
   middle-initial (str " " middle-initial ".")))

(defn display-name [{:keys [first last] :as contact}]
  (str last ", " first (middle-name contact)))
user=> (display-name {:first "John" :last "Doe"})
"Doe, John"
user=> (display-name {:first "John" :middle-initial "E" :last "Doe"})
"Doe, John E."
user=> (display-name {:first "John" :middle "Edwin" :last "Doe"})
"Doe, John Edwin"

With all this out of the way we can finally start figuring out how to put things on the screen. With Reagent you create UI components out of hiccup data structures. The component which displays a single contact from our "database" is defined as follows:

(defn contact [c]
   [:span (display-name c)]
   [:button {:on-click #(remove-contact! c)} 

The above data structure is roughly equivalent to the following HTML/JS pseudo-code:

  <button onClick='{{removeContact(c)}}'>Delete</button>

Hopefully you have no trouble reading hiccup data structures: a vector like [:li ..] is translated to the tag <li>..</li>. Arbitrary Clojure code can be used to generate these vectors and Clojure functions can be used when registering event handlers.

Note also that contact is simply an ordinary Clojure function which takes a contact c and returns a hiccup data structure.

A function which is going to be used as a component can take up to three arguments: The first argument (c in our case) must be a map. It is used to pass data from the parent component. You can think of this argument as equivalent to the set of html attributes for some tag but they are usually called "props" in the terminology used by Reagent. The second argument is a vector of child components and the last argument is a reference to the underlying React component. The last two arguments are not used at all in this tutorial.

The complete interface for a Reagent component is therefor

(defn some-component [props children this] 

which is used in client code as

[some-component {:some :props}

We can now use the contact component when defining contact-list:

(defn contact-list []
   [:h1 "Contact list"]
    (for [c (:contacts @app-state)]
      [contact c])]

contact-list is also a function which returns hiccup data and can be used as a component in yet a larger context. Note how contact is used in the body of contact-list: It is not called as a function, instead it's wrapped in a vector similar to how the rest of hiccup works: [contact c].

You can also see that we have another custom component as the last item in the div. new-contact is a component that lets users add new contacts to the app-state:

(defn new-contact []
  (let [val (r/atom "")]
    (fn []
       [:input {:type "text"
                :placeholder "Contact Name"
                :value @val
                :on-change #(reset! val (-> % .-target .-value))}]
       [:button {:on-click #(when-let [c (parse-contact @val)]
                              (add-contact! c)
                              (reset! val ""))} 

The new-contact holds the current value of the input text box as local state in the val atom. Every time we edit the text box the val atom is reset to the latest text content. When the "Add" button is clicked the string in val is parsed and a new contact is added to the app-state database (on a successful parse).

When app-state changes (either by adding or deleting a contact) the underlying React system will figure out the minimal required changes to the DOM and perform the updates on our behalf.

The last piece of the puzzle is to attach the root node to some existing dom node. In our case the root node will be contact-list and we will attach it to an empty div element with id root:

(defn start []
   (.getElementById js/document "root")))


Copyright © 2014 Jonas Enlund

Distributed under the Eclipse Public License either version 1.0 or (at your option) any later version.


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