I am Jonathan Sharpe, a Seattle Pacific University graduate with a Bachelor of Science in Computer Science. Below are some projects that I've worked on.
This has been an ongoing project for a couple years now, though it recently underwent a major overhaul. It went from being written in essentially vanilla HTML/CSS/JavaScript (with a little Bootstrap) to ReactJS, MongoDB, Vite, and TailwindCSS to improve scalability and maintainability.
The gist of the site is that I use it as a way to track all the Major League Baseball games and parks I've attended, as I'm a big baseball fan and it allows me to express my creativity a little bit. It's also very easy to show to anyone. The site is located at jsharpe.xyz, so feel free to check it out!
During my final year in college, a team of myself and five other students produced a web app. Our university's system for course registration, course planning, time schedule, and suggested course sequences was very piecemeal and difficult to use, so we set out to rectify that with our Graduation Planning App (GPA). While it wasn't made with the idea that the school would switch to our web app, it was made to show what a re-imagined system could look like. We used HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and Vite for the frontend portion, with mySQL and Node.js running the backend. One of our team members also spent a lot of time screen-scraping the time schedule on our university's website, as we were not provided direct access to the data necessary to make course plans. My time was primarily spent working on the backend, ensuring that the requests made from the frontend would return the necessary data. It essentially was fully functional, besides the actual course registration part. Here is a video demonstrating the app.
I have daily-driven Linux for over two years now, and have my dotfiles in a public repo in case anyone is interested in my setup. It's mostly just for me at the moment, to sync my config between my two computers, but at some point I'll likely spruce it up so there's more to see.
Perhaps the most interesting thing here is my Neovim config, as I've been using that for about the same time I've used Linux. It's gotten me some practice with the Lua programming language, which was completely unknown to me before using Neovim. I've also of course learned how to use the command line and how to do some shell scripting, which I'm continuing to learn more about as I find ways to optimize my workflow.
I'm big into mechanical keyboards, and own several of them. For layout configuration, I've spent time using QMK, but recently switched to Vial as it's far more user-friendly and packs essentially the same features I was using QMK for. It might be a fun idea to design my own keyboard, but that would be quite the undertaking. We'll see, maybe someday!
I also enjoy gaming, and I've considered creating a mod for Minecraft. That's another thing that would be quite the undertaking, but definitely a good challenge and something I could look into sometime.
Sharpe's Hit List is the main project, as it's something I'll work on regularly from time to time. I would also like to make a program that's not web-based, maybe some kind of command line program for Linux. I've been interested in learning Rust since it's a pretty big language these days, but I'll have to find something to actually do with it.
In general though, I'll have to come up with some problem I'm looking to solve, and write a program to solve it.
If you'd like to contact me for any reason, you can message me on LinkedIn or shoot me an email.