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Web server for the Kritikos app.


  1. Run postgres container on port 5432

    docker run -it --name kritikos_pg_dev -p 5432:5432 -e POSTGRES_PASSWORD=postgres postgres:alpine

  2. Clone repo, Setup DB & run migrations

    mix ecto.setup

  3. Setup client assets (js, svg, css, etc.)

    cd assets && npm install

  4. Install elixir (on mac)

    brew install elixir

  5. Start server

    iex -S mix phx.server to start server under interactive elixir, or mix phx.server to start server independently


  1. Update version in mix.exs and run

    make build

  2. Push to registry (replace version)

    make push

  3. SSH into [email protected] droplet, update docker-compose.yaml to reflect newer web image version on registry, run docker-compose up -d


  4. Run make deploy after updating version in mix.exs