Adds AirPods support for Windows.
You know how when you open your AirPods, and theres a animation on your iPhone or iPad? Well this application adds that exact animation to Windows!
I am planning to rewrite the entire program. Some planned features I plan to add are:
- Dark theme (Maybe your own custom colors?)
- Custom fonts
- USB Devices support
- Multiple devices (might take a while idk)
- And many more...
All of this, however, will depend on how much free time I have. Hopefully I can knock out half of those features before Feburary.
0.3 Release date: Sometime this month. Yes I said during January but like school sucks so sorry bout that. The project is done and compiled and I can release it now but I need some testers first. Contact me if you want to test it in the next 24hrs. After that I might or might not release idk it depends.
- Configurator to change settings
- A better setup (A .msi setup)
- Ability to change the paired bluetooth device easily
- Customizable UI:
- Change animation to your own video or a image or a music file or whatever MediaElement/Image supports
- Custom "Done" button text
- Ability to have a static name (so it doesn't default to your devices name)
- Create your own templates using a .json file
- Project renamed to Apple Bluetooth UI
It's currently 2/25/2020 and its 10:06pm where I live and I have school tomorrow. If I can somehow extract the animations for AirPods Gen2 and Pro, Beats, and other headphones it might be supported on release instead of you know... a later version. Let's just see how this goes. After release I will add a section to this readme to show how to create a custom template for this program.
Update: It's 2/25/2020 and its 10:18pm and...
(It says 8:13pm thats because my PC is in pacific time instead of central time)
Update 2: It's 2/25/2020 and its 10:29pm and I might only add AirPods Gen 2, Pro, and 2 Beats because these animations are weird. First the .mov file won't play with Windows, second the videos are transparent..? I don't know, might release it without those, just depends. Anyways I'm going to stop for the day.