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Jon Thysell edited this page Jul 26, 2022 · 2 revisions

The purpose of Mzinga has always been to encourage and assist developers in building their own Hive AIs. To do that, developers can build their own UHP-compatible game engines and use MzingaViewer to "drive" them.

So if you're interested, here are some tips to get started building your own UHP engine:

  1. Read and familiarize yourself with the Universal Hive Protocol.
  2. Download and play with MzingaViewer on your computer.
    1. Try playing a new game with the Engine Console (Engine > Engine Console) open. There you'll see how MzingaViewer interacts with a UHP engine in real-time.
    2. Try manually sending some UHP commands to the engine and see what happens.
    3. Try configuring MzingaViewer to use an external UHP engine (Viewer > Viewer Options > Engine) such as the standalone MzingaEngine. See the Resources page for other UHP engines to try.
  3. Check out the UHP Sample Code repo for minimal implementations of basic UHP engines in various programming languages.
  4. Browse through the Core and Engine code in the Mzinga folder to see what a fully-fledged UHP engine can look like.
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