a free to use, open source directory of links pertaining to any and all DIY diabetes solutions. #wearenotwaiting
Welcome! You have reached the diy diabetes directory, a github repository for listing out and categorizing many solutions that are diy-diabetes related in some way.
What is diy diabetes? It's when you develop or create any software that is designed to help someone with type one diabetes, usually by communicating with medical devices- BUT it is not FDA approved, not developed by a large corporation, but is instead usually made by one or a few developers. **The result is solutions that people want, for free, created by the people who actually use them.
The biggest example of this is Dana Lewis and #openAPS, and the Nightscout foundation. But over time, as I researched, I discovered there are hundreds of projects, small and large, that are incredibly helpful, but only a select few know that they actually exist.
Mainly, because, if you search Google for these things, it doesn't show up in a clear way. If you search 'diy closed loop omnipod' you wouldn't know that actually, yes, you can closed loop with the omnipod using omnipy.
If you search 'dexcom direct to apple watch' you would discover that dexcom never delivered on a huge promise, but also you might not necessarily figure out that you can do the same thing with android wear.
This repository aims to change that. Currently a github wiki, this directory of sorts will list as many diy solutions as possible, but in an order that makes sense, clearly categorized, with a concise description.
How to use this directory: Click here to go to the directory, or just scroll up now and press the 'wiki' tab.
Adding a solution you discovered or made to this directory: Please go up to the top of this page, press the 'issues' tab, then press 'new issue.' Once you get there, click on the gear icon next to 'labels' and select the label 'solution suggestion.' Then, give it a title and description. Be sure to include all relevant links to the project you found or created. You can also use this feature to ask questions or suggest ways the directory could be improved/better organized.
Disclaimer: All information, thought, and code described here is intended for informational and educational purposes only. The DIY Diabetes Directory makes absolutely no attempt at HIPAA privacy compliance. Use of code from github.com and/or other websites is without warranty or support of any kind. Please review the LICENSE found within each repository for further details. Use this directory and any projects within it at your own risk, and do not use the information or code to make medical decisions.
To the extent possible under law,
Jordan Damron
has waived all copyright and related or neighboring rights to
DIY Diabetes Directory.
This work is published from:
United States.