This is a template repository ready to develop code. It uses poetry to manage dependencies, python environmnet, and packagaing. Flake8 and Black to format code. Mkdocs to create documentation from docstrings. And adds GitHub actions to automitize tasks.
Poetry helps you to manage a python ppackage project. It manage dependencies, versions, and python environments. First initialize a project:
poetry new <repo-name>
This will create a new repo-name
directory with default files and folders.
In the repo directory we can add new dependencies with:
poetry add nympy matplotlib pandas
To install the ne package in a virtual env we can do:
poetry install
and to run other commands using the python env, e.g. pytest
, we can do:
poetry run pytest...
To release and publish our package with poetry in PyPi we use:
poetry build
this will create the wheel files and package the repository in the dist
Then after creating a new package in PyPi website and setting up the token we configure this into poetry:
poetry config pypi-token.pypi <token>
and then we publish with:
poetry publish
This will upload the package to the index. We will do this everytime there is a new major or minor version of our package. This can be done also as a GitHub action, will add that later.
Initialize Git repository and sync with GitHub: In the poejct directory do
git init
to initialize the Git repo. Now we can add changes and commit to the main branch and sync with GitHub.
git add *
git commit -m "first comit"
git remote add origin <GITHUB url>
git push -u origin main
More info here.
To create a documentation page using the docstrings in our code we will use mkdocs
First, install the library in the virtual env:
poetry add -G dev mkdocs mkdocstrings mkdocs-material
Now we can initialize MkDocs with:
poetry run mkdocs new .
This will create the configuration file and docs folder to add to oue page.
To build the documentation as a page we use:
poetry run mkdocs build
poetry run mkdocs serve
This will build the documentation and creater a local view of the poge to visualize in our browser.
TO deploy the the page to Github branch with the documnetation we do
poetry run mkdocs gh-deploy
this will create the website which has the documentation we have created.
This are automatic actions that happens during pushing new commits and/or pull request. We can configure these actions in a yml
file in the .github/workflows
In this template we hace one for flake8
, black
and pytest
Pytest will run any test code that is written in the tests
folder. Idially we want to test all our code to ensure nothing breaks and that function behavior is as expected. We can run pytest locally before commiting to the branch or PR with:
poetry run pytest -v tests