Watches reserves as they change per block.
You have the choice to watch all reserve currencies and their reserves, based on a selection of coins.
- use a redis db to store processed txids
- use binary arguments instead of config file (or use both)
- add support for mempool scanning
- add color to messages
- update price information
- support other PBaaS chains
- select specific currency baskets by their name
- 24h change %
- add settings menu
- apply filter to log yes/no
- show log messages based on number of confirmations
Have a Verus daemon running in native mode. (For now, this app only runs in testnet mode until PBaaS is live on mainnet)
Run in your terminal of choice with RUST_LOG=info LC_ALL=en_US.UTF-8 cargo run --color always >> output.log 2>&1
Any development output can be tracked in a new terminal window and tail -f output.log
This app depends on ZMQ to be configured. Add these in your vrsctest.conf