An image processing pipeline to detect and track vehicles
The goal of this project is to write a software pipeline that detects vehicles in an image and tracks them across frames of a video captured from a front-facing camera on a car
A demonstration of the pipeline is show in this video
This project was undertaken as part of the Udacity Self-Driving Car NanoDegree.
- Extract features from a labelled training set of images and train a Linear SVM classifier
- Features: histogram of oriented gradients, colour histograms and spatial binning
- Implement a sliding-window across an image and use a trained classifier to search for vehicles
- Create a heat map of recurring detections frame by frame to reject outliers and track detected vehicles
- Estimate a bounding box for each tracked vehicle
You can follow the guide explained here to setup a working environment.
The included notebooks demonstrate how to use the project code.
- vehicle_detection.ipynb
- Demonstrates the end-to-end process, from the dataset, to training the classifier and processing images and video
- notebooks/pipeline_breakdown.ipynb
- Breaks down the image processing pipeline into stages to visualise the process
- notebooks/helper.ipynb
- A collection of other useful snippets of code used along the way
-, including:
- A Vehicle class to represent tracked vehicle objects
- A VehicleTracking class that implements the full processing pipeline
-, including independent implementations of various stages of the pipeline and other miscellaneous helper functions