This is a prototype data processor/publisher for NASA.
Maintained by Pat Cappelaere Vightel Corporation [email protected]
NOTE: Some changes have been made to the code to run on a local server without required access to the AWS cloud. Check config/config.yaml using_aws_s3_for_storage could be set to 0
Check python/ for example... USING_AWS_S3_FOR_STORAGE = 1 USING_LOCAL_DIR_FOR_STORAGE = 1 LOCAL_DIR_STORAGE = "/Users/patricecappelaere/Development/ojo/tmp"
NOTE 2: This may not be the best option to run as an enterprise system with multiples instances and load balancing.
Install docker and start VM Start Docker VM via Docker Quickstart Terminal
docker --version Docker version 1.11.0
docker-machine env default bash eval "$(docker-machine env default)" docker ps
docker-compose build development docker images
Start shell in development mode... you can start processing python scripts
docker run -i -p 7465:7465 -t ojobot_development /bin/bash
Start Chrome and use IP address of VM returned by docker-machine env default
docker images
Clean Docker
docker rm -v $(docker ps -a -q -f status=exited)
docker rmi -f $(docker images | grep "" | awk "{print $3}")
docker rmi $(docker images -f "dangling=true" -q)
docker-compose build conda
Test it:
docker-compose run conda
Tag it
docker images
docker tag 608fd2eb4b79 cappelaere/ojo_publisher_base_stack:v1
Push it
docker login
docker push cappelaere/ojo_publisher_base_stack