First release candidate with all functionalities
Pre-releaseThis release candidate will be tested by several users to ensure a normal behaviour of the program.
List of available commands
Create team
/criar-equipa [team name]
Creates a new team, if the name doesn't exists already. Returns the newly created team information: The name, ID and a access key, which allows users to enter the team using that code. Reports an error stating that a team cannot be created if something fails. If the team name already exists the team isn't created and an error message appears in the chat.
Join team
/entrar [entry-code]
Joins the team with the defined entry-code
, if exists. If the entry-code
is valid, the user receives a message and joins the team. If it's invalid, an error message pops up.
Balance check
Shows the team-wise current balance. If the user does not have a team, an error message appears stating how to join a team.
/compra [@destination_user] [qty] [description]
Allows to buy something from another user. It performs a transfer, between the command caller and the destination_user
, by giving him qty
credits. A short description must be provided to describe the transaction. If destination_user
isn't enrolled in a team, an error message will be displayed stating that. If qty
is invalid (unparsable, negative, null or above team actual balance), the user will get an error message explaining the problem.
List last transactions
/movimentos <qty>
List transactions. If the user has a team, list the last qty
transactions of his team. If the current user doesn't have a team, an error message appears stating how to join a team.
List all teams
List all teams. Provides the team name and team id of each team participating (ie with members). If a team has no members, it will not show on this commands output.
List all teams registered
List all registered teams. Provides the team name and team id and entry code of each team registered. All teams created will appear.
View team details
/detalhes-equipa <team_id>
Used to list all details of a team. The team-id
must be provided. It shows the team information (name, balance and ID) among with the list of elements.
View user details
/detalhes <@user|user-id>
Used to list details of a participant. The @user
or user-id
must be provided. It will return the name (as a Slack @mention), ID and team ID (if any) of the user.
List last user transactions
/meus-movimentos <qty>
List the current user last qty
transactions. If the user has a team, list his last qty
transactions. If the current user doesn't have a team, an error message appears stating how to join a team.
Change user role/add to staff
/alterar-permissoes <@user> <admin|staff|remover>
Changes the permissions of user
, adding it to the staff crew if it wasn't on it yet. If the remover
option is selected, the user is removed from the staff team.
List staff elements
List all elements in staff, along with their role and their ID. Only accessible to staff elements.
/hackerboy <money-change> <description>
Used to change all teams balances, either to give them money or to remove it.
Team Hackerboy
/hackerboy-equipa <team-id> <money-change> <description>
Used to change a team balance, either to give it money or to remove it.
List given user transactions
/transacoes-participante @user <qty>
Lists the last qty
transactions made/received by @user
List given team transactions
/transacoes-equipa <team-id> <qty>
Lists the last qty
transactions made/received by users in team with id team-id
List all transactions
/transacoes-todas <qty>
Lists the last qty
transactions made/received in the entire application.
Comands permission table
Command | Description | Permission |
/entrar |
Join team | Any user (without team) |
/saldo |
View team balance | Any user (with team) |
/compra |
Buys an item | Any user (with team) |
/movimentos |
List last transactions | Any user (with team) |
/meus-movimentos |
View my transactions | Any user (with team) |
/ver-equipas |
List all teams | Admin , Staff |
/ver-equipas-registo |
List all registered teams | Admin , Staff |
/detalhes-equipa |
View one team details | Admin , Staff |
/detalhes |
View one participant details | Admin , Staff |
/ver-staff |
View staff crew | Admin , Staff |
/criar-equipa |
Create new team | Admin |
/alterar-permissoes |
Add, change, remove from staff | Admin |
/hackerboy |
Affect all teams balance | Admin |
/hackerboy-equipa |
Affect one team's balance | Admin |
/transacoes-participante |
List the given user's transactions | Admin |
/transacoes-equipa |
List the given team's transactions | Admin |
/transacoes-todas |
List the overall transactions | Admin |