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Task manager with Rails API in the backend and React + TypeScript in the frontend. Using Docker for containerization.

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Task Manager


This project is a task manager for individuals, coworkers, couples... to help organize the user's schedule, improve their workload management and support their daily activities.

It is meant to be used both in PC and mobile, in the browser or as a PWA for ease of usage.

Getting Started

The only prerequisite to run the project is:

This project was created using the Docker version 20.10.17 and Docker Compose version 1.29.2.

Application Architecture

There are three main parts in the project:

  • The api folder
  • The front folder
  • The docker-compose.yml file

The api folder is a Ruby on Rails API that is in charge of all the backend logic, authentication and authorization. It talks to a PostgreSQL database.

The front folder holds the frontend logic. It uses React for building the user interface and it is supported by TypeScript static type checking. The boilerplate was created using Create React App.

Finally, the docker-compose.yml is in charge of building, configuring and deploying this multi-container application. There are three different containers that will be created: the PostgreSQL database (db), the API (api) and the frontend (front).

Frameworks & Toolkit information

For the API:

  • The language used is Ruby (version 3.1.2).
  • For the API creation, Ruby on Rails(version 7.0.4) has been used. It is a popular Ruby framework for web development.
  • For testing, RSpec and Factory Bot have been used. RSpec is a testing tool for Ruby whilst Factory Botis a library that helps on creating fixtures for the tests.

For the Database:

  • The database is PostgreSQL (latest version according to Docker Hub).

For the Frontend:

  • The framework used is React (version 18.2.0).
  • Also TypeScript (version 4.9.5) for the static type support.

Get the project running

In the project directory, we run:

docker compose build

This will create three images that correspond to the three services in the docker-compose.yml file. The api and front images are built using their respective Dockerfile.

  • Create, migrate and seed the database.
docker compose run --rm api rake db:create db:migrate db:seed

This will create a development database and seed it with a premade instance of the server we will be using.

  • Run the container.
docker compose up

When finished, we will shut it down correctly and remove the running containers.

docker compose down

Using the app locally

After running the app, open http://localhost:3000 to view it in the browser.



There are several tests put in place to make sure the api is running the way we expect to. To run the tests we run the following command:

docker compose run --rm -e RAILS_ENV=test api bundle exec rspec

This will run the api container independently and pass the test environment as a variable for the database creation. The reason being that we want to separate the development database for when we interact with the api locally and use the test database when running tests.


Task manager with Rails API in the backend and React + TypeScript in the frontend. Using Docker for containerization.






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