Warning: At this point & without our full infrastructure, you will be missing certain functions (primarily in the food area). We hope to consolidate these at one poin in the future. For now however, this repository should be used as a reference as a opposed to a solution you depend on. We also do not provide downloadable themes.
The Theme Force Framework is the most comprehensive solution for restaurant websites based on WordPress. It is structured as a modular feature-set highly relevant to industry needs. This read-me only provides usage instructions, please see the developer page below for more information.
- Must-Read Developer Homepage: http://www.happytables.com/framework-developers/
- GitHub Homepage: https://github.com/themeforce/framework
- Discussion & News: http://www.happytables.com/themeforce
In order to make use of our complete feature set, you will not require any other tools (i.e. Options Framework). This framework stands alone.
The contents of this framework should be pulled into a folder called framework within your theme:
We understand you may not want to use all the features, so it's only normal that you reduce the number of queries that your theme executes. Our modular approach means that you can do just that. Just add any (or all) of the functions below to grab what you need (within functions.php).
// Set up theme supports
add_theme_support( 'tf_food_menu' );
add_theme_support( 'tf_events' );
add_theme_support( 'tf_widget_opening_times' );
add_theme_support( 'tf_widget_google_maps' );
add_theme_support( 'tf_widget_payments' );
add_theme_support( 'tf_widget_twitter' );
add_theme_support( 'tf_foursquare' );
add_theme_support( 'tf_yelp' );
add_theme_support( 'tf_mailchimp' );
add_theme_support( 'tf_fullbackground' );
add_theme_support( 'tf_settings_api' );
The main file that brings everything together within the "framework/* folder is is:
If you'd like to get a feeling for what we do, check out this page:
- Features: http://happytables.com/features/
We'd love to have your input, and if you're interested in contributing code, we'd love that too. Head over to http://www.theme-force.com/framework-developers/ for more information.
We can't actually help you with CSS, XHTML, PHP & JS so there's a certain degree of self-reliance that's required if you'd like to implement. It doesn't mean we won't guide you on the right path, but we'd like to keep the discussions relevant to bugs, enhancements and features.