See dotfiles instead.
This is how I bootstrap my favored environment and configurations onto a new machine and keep all my various machines in sync. These configs are designed to work on both Linux (ArchLinux is my preference) and OSX. This repo is expected to be cloned to ~/.miscdotfiles
Needs to be installed before this can be bootstrapped:
- Git - To get this, plus submodules.
- Ruby (LibYAML) - For Rake
- ZSH - Because it's the shell
For (Arch) linux:
- Xmonad and xmonad contrib - For XMonad
- base-devel - The entire group is needed for building various things
- AUR package asdf-vm - A global install of ASDF to share between users (Easiest to set up after Aura is installed)
Do do this all on Arch: pacman -Sy git ruby python zsh xmonad xmonad-contrib base-devel
Things to do beyond the bootstrap file. Perhaps a bit too complex to let bootstrap do it?
asdf install
to install global versions of asdf-managed toolspip install neovim
(pip3 may be necessary) to get Neovim's Phython integration dependency. You may need to run :UpdateRemotePlugins after this
Arch Linux:
- XMonad: Add the line "export _JAVA_AWT_WM_NONREPARENTING=1" to /etc/profile.d/ to ensure java apps all launch with that environment variable.
sudo mv 01-keyboard-layout.conf /etc/X11/xorg.conf.d/
- Set primary monitor (/etc/X11/10-monitor.conf, or xrandr. Nvidia settings doesn't seem to set primary in a way that works)
Other things Arch expects to have set up:
git clone
cd aura-bin
makepkg -si
Regular packages
- xmonad specific:
- feh
- xorg-xsetroot
- redshift
- terminus-font
- ttf-dejavu, ttf-droid, ttf-anonymous-pro
- dzen2
- conky
- sysstat (System status used by dzen-conky)
- bc (Command line calculator used by dzen/conky)
- task (Vim config wants it)
- terminator (Xmonad configured to use as terminal)
- dmenu (app launch script/yegonesh needs)
From AUR
- xmonad specific
- trayer-srg
- caffeine-ng-git (Switched to -git because regular version eats all your ram.)
- compton
- copyq
- dropbox
- yegonesh
- ttf-iosevka ttf-envy-code-r
- alacritty-git (Using instead of Terminator in some cases)
In order to get beets set up completely on arch linux with the dagr/nott config file we need the following:
sudo aura -Sy beets python-flask python-mpd2 python-pyacoustid python-requests
sudo aura -Ay python-discogs-client
- Script to bootsrap the manual-install fonts?
- Dweep font requires changing arch configs in /etc/font/conf.d/ to allow bitmap fonts