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The Stratum protocol defines how miners, proxies, and pool communicate to contribute hashrate to the Bitcoin network.

Table of Conents

1. Goals

The goals of this project is to provide:

  1. A robust set of Stratum V2 (Sv2) primitives as Rust library crates that can be used by anyone that wants to expand the protocol or implement a role (e.g. a pool wanting to support Sv2, a mining-device/hashrate producer that wants to integrate Sv2 into their firmware, a Bitcoin node that wants to implement Template Provider capabilities to build the blocktemplate).

  2. The above Rust primitives as a C library, making it available to non-Rust users via a C bindings.

  3. A set of helpers built on top of the above primitives and the external Bitcoin-related Rust crates that can be used by anyone who wants to implement the Sv2 roles (e.g. a pool that uses Rust and wants to support Sv2).

  4. An open-source implementation of a Sv2 proxy that can be used by miners that want to use Sv2.

  5. An open-source implementation of a Sv2 pool that can be used by anyone that wants to operate a Sv2 pool.

2. Common Use Cases

Different portions of the library will be used depending on the use case and/or desired functionality. Some examples of different use-cases are:

2.1 Miners

  1. A miner can use the proxy (roles/sv2/mining-proxy) to connect with a Sv2-compatible pool.

  2. A miner who runs a mining farm with SV1-compatible mining firmware mining to a Sv2-compatible pool, who wants to gain some of the security and efficiency improvements that Sv2 offers over Stratum V1 (Sv1). This Sv1<->Sv2 miner proxy does not support all the features of Sv2, therefore it should be used as a temporary measure before completely upgrading to Sv2-compatible firmware. This Sv1<->Sv2 translation has not yet been implemented, but is currently being worked on.

2.2 Pools

  1. A pool that wants to support Sv2 can deploy the open source binary crate (roles/pool) to offer an Sv2-compatible pool to their clients (miners participating in said pool).

  2. A pool that wants to build an Sv2 compatible pool in Rust will likely use the Rust helper library.

  3. A pool that wants to build an Sv2 compatible pool not in Rust will likely use the Rust primitives as C library.

3. Structure

  └─ examples
  │   └─ interop-cpp
  │   └─ interop-cpp-no-cargo
  │   └─ ping-pong-with-noise
  │   └─ ping-pong-without-noise
  │   └─ sv1-client-and-server
  │   └─ sv2-proxy
  │   └─ template-provider-test
  └─ experimental
  │   └─ coinbase-negotiator
  └─ protocols
  │   └─ v1
  │   └─ v2
  │       └─ binary-sv2
  │       │   └─ binary-sv2
  │       │   └─ no-serde-sv2
  │       │   │   └─ codec
  │       │   │   └─ derive_codec
  │       │   └─ serde-sv2
  │       └─ codec-sv2
  │       └─ const-sv2
  │       └─ framing-sv2
  │       └─ noise-sv2
  │       └─ roles-logic-sv2
  │       └─ subprotocols
  │       │   └─ common-messages
  │       │   └─ job-negotiation
  │       │   └─ mining
  │       │   └─ template-distribution
  │       └─ sv2-ffi
  └─ roles/v2
  │   └─ mining-proxy
  │   └─ pool
  │   └─ test-utils
  │   │   └─ mining-device
  │   │   └─ pool
  └─ test
  └─ utils
      └─ buffer
      └─ network-helpers

This workspace is divided in 6 macro-areas:

  1. protocols: Stratum V2 and V1 libraries.
  2. roles: The Sv2 roles logic.
  3. utils: Offers an alternative buffer to use that is more efficient, but less safe than the default buffers used. Also has network helpers.
  4. examples: Several example implementations of various use cases.
  5. test: Integration tests.
  6. experimental: Experimental logic that is not yet specified as part of the protocol or extensions.

All dependencies related to the testing and benchmarking of these workspace crates are optional and are included in the binary ONLY during testing or benchmarking is executed. For that reason these dependencies are NOT included under External dependencies in the lists below.

3.01 protocols

Core Stratum V2 and V1 libraries.

3.02 protocols/v1

Contains a Sv1 library. TODO: more information

3.03 protocols/v2

Contains several Sv2 libraries serving various purposes depending on the desired application. TODO: more info

3.04 protocols/v2/const-sv2

Contains the Sv2 related constants.

3.05 protocols/v2/binary-sv2

Under binary-sv2 are five crates (binary-sv2, serde-sv2, no-serde-sv2, no-serde-sv2/codec, no-serde-sv2/derive_codec) that are contain Sv2 data types binary mappings. However, only procotols/v2/binary-sv2/binary-sv2 is used by the user, the remaining are for internal use only, therefore only procotols/v2/binary-sv2/binary-sv2 is discussed here.

Exports an API that allows the serialization and deserialization of the Sv2 primitive data types. It also exports two procedural macros, Encodable and Decodable, that, when applied to a struct, make it serializable/deserializable to/from the Sv2 binary format.

This crate can be compiled with the with_serde feature, which will use the external serde crate to serialize and deserialize. If this feature flag is NOT set, an internal serialization engine is used. The exported API is the same when compiled with_serde and not.

External dependencies:

  • serde (only when compiled with the with_serde flag)

Internal dependencies:

  • buffer-sv2 in protocols/v2/serde-sv2 (only when compiled with the with_serde flag)
  • no-serde-sv2 (only when compiled WITHOUT the with_serde flag)

3.06 protocols/v2/framing-sv2

Exports the Frame trait. A Frame can:

  • be serialized (serialize) and deserialized (from_bytes, from_bytes_unchecked)
  • return the payload (payload)
  • return the header (get_header)
  • be constructed from a serializable payload when the payload does not exceed the maximum frame size (from_message)

Two implementations of the Frame trait are exports: Sv2Frame and NoiseFrame. An enum named EitherFrame representing one of these frames is also exported.

External dependencies:

  • serde (only when compiled with the with_serde flag)

Internal dependencies:

  • const_sv2
  • binary_sv2

3.07 protocols/v2/codec-sv2

Exports StandardNoiseDecoder and StandardSv2Decoder that are initialized with a buffer containing a "stream" of bytes. When next_frame is called, they return either a Sv2Frame or an error containing the number of missing bytes to allow next step[^1], so that the caller can fill the buffer with the missing bytes and then call it again.

It also export NoiseEncoder and Encoder.

[^1] For the case of a non-noise decoder, this refers to the missing bytes that are either needed to 1) complete the frame header, or 2) to have a complete frame. For the case of a noise decoder, this is more complex as it returns a Sv2Frame, which can be composed of several NoiseFrames.

External dependencies:

  • serde (only when compiled with the with_serde flag)

Internal dependencies:

  • const_sv2
  • binary_sv2
  • framing_sv2
  • noise_sv2 (only when compiled with the with_noise flag)

3.08 protocols/v2/subprotocols

Under subprotocols are four crates (common-messages, job-negotiation, mining, and template-distribution) that are the Rust translation of the messages defined by each Sv2 (sub)protocol. They all have the same internal external dependencies.

External dependencies:

  • serde (only when compiled with the with_serde flag)

Internal dependencies:

  • const_sv2
  • binary_sv2

3.09 protocols/v2/sv2-ffi

Exports a C static library with the minimum subset of the protocols/v2 libraries required to build a Template Provider. Every dependency is compiled WITHOUT the with_noise and with_serde flags.

Internal dependencies:

  • codec_sv2
  • const_sv2
  • binary_sv2 (maybe in the future will be used the one already imported by codec_sv2)
  • subprotocols/common_messages_sv2
  • subprotocols/template_distribution_sv2

3.10 protocols/v2/noise-sv2

Contains the Noise Protocol logic. TODO: More information.

External dependencies: TODO Internal dependencies: TODO

3.11 protocols/v2/roles-logic-sv2

Previously called messages-sv2. A sort of "catch-all" workspace that contains miscellaneous logic required to build a Sv2 role, but that does not "fit" into the other workspaces. This includes:

  • roles properties
  • message handlers
  • channel "routing" logic (Group and Extended channels)
  • Sv2Frame <-> specific (sub)protocol message mapping
  • (sub)protocol <-> (sub)protocol mapping
  • job logic (this overlaps with the channel logic)
  • Bitcoin data structures <-> Sv2 data structures mapping
  • utils

A Rust implementation of a Sv2 role should import this crate to have all the required Sv2- or Bitcoin-related logic. In the future, every library under protocols/v2 will be reexported by this crate, so if a Rust implementation of a role needs access to a lower level library, there is no need to reimport it.

This crate does not assume any async runtime. The only thing that the user is required to use is a safe Mutex defined in messages_sv2::utils::Mutex.

External dependencies:

Internal dependencies:

  • const_sv2
  • binary_sv2
  • framing_sv2
  • codec_sv2
  • subprotocols/common_messages_sv2
  • subprotocols/mining_sv2
  • subprotocols/template_distribution_sv2
  • subprotocols/job_negotiation_sv2

3.12 utils/buffer

Unsafe but fast buffer pool with fuzz testing and benches. Can be used with codec_sv2.

3.13 utils/network-helpers

Async runtime specific helpers. Exports Connection which is used to open an Sv2 connection either with or without noise.

TODO: More information

External dependencies:

Internal dependencies:

  • binary_sv2
  • const_sv2
  • messages_sv2 (it will be removed very soon already commited in a wroking branch)

3.14 roles/mining-proxy

A Sv2 proxy role logic.

3.15 roles/pool

A Sv2 pool role logic.

3.16 roles/test-utils/pool

A Sv2 pools useful to do integration tests.

3.17 roles/test-utils/mining-device

A Sv2 CPU miner useful to do integration tests.

3.18 examples

Contains several example implementations of various use cases.

3.19 examples/interop-cpp


3.20 examples/interop-cpp-no-cargo


3.21 examples/ping-pong-with-noise


3.22 examples/ping-pong-without-noise


3.23 examples/sv1-client-and-server


3.24 examples/sv2-proxy


3.25 examples/template-provider-test


3.26 test

Contains integration tests.

3.27 experimental

Contains experimental logic that is not yet specified as part of the protocol or extensions.

4. Branches


  • main
  • POCRegtest-1-0-0
  • sv2-tp-crates


No releases published


No packages published


  • Rust 98.1%
  • C++ 1.7%
  • Shell 0.2%