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Clojure bindings for Apache Solr.


To use within a Leiningen project, add the following to your project.clj file:

[cc.artifice/clojure-solr "2.0.0"]

To build from source, run:

lein deps
lein jar


  • Basic usage

    (with-connection (connect "")
      (add-document! {"id" "testdoc", "name" "A Test Document"})
      (add-documents! [{"id" "testdoc.2", "name" "Another test"}
                               {"id" "testdoc.3", "name" "a final test"}])
      (search "test")
      (search "test" :rows 2))
  • Advanced Usage

    • Parameters can be passed as a map, that contains Solr parameter names as keywords e.g (start, fields, facet-filters, etc..)
    Optional keys, passed in a map:
    :method :get or :post (default :get)
    :rows Number of rows to return (default is Solr default: 1000)
    :start Offset into query result at which to start returning rows (default 0)
    :fields Fields to return
    :facet-fields Discrete-valued fields to facet.  Can be a string, keyword, or map containing {:name ... :prefix ...}.
    :facet-queries Vector of facet queries, each encoded in a string or a map of {:name, :value, :formatter}.  :formatter is optional and defaults to the raw query formatter. The result is in the :facet-queries response.
    :facet-date-ranges Date fields to facet as a vector or maps.  Each map contains
    :field Field name
    :tag Optional, for referencing in a pivot facet
    :start Earliest date (as java.util.Date)
    :end Latest date (as java.util.Date)
    :gap Faceting gap, as String, per Solr (+1HOUR, etc)
    :others  Comma-separated string: before,after,between,none,all.  Optional.
    :include Comma-separated string: lower,upper,edge,outer,all.  Optional.
    :hardend Boolean (See Solr doc).  Optional.
    :missing Boolean--return empty buckets if true.  Optional.
    :facet-numeric-ranges Numeric fields to facet, as a vector of maps.  Map fields as for date ranges, but start, end and gap must be numbers.
    :facet-mincount Minimum number of docs in a facet for the bucket to be returned.
    :facet-hier-sep Useful for path hierarchy token faceting.  A regex, such as \\|.
    :facet-filters Solr filter expression on facet values.  Passed as a map in the form: {:name 'facet-name' :value 'facet-value' :formatter (fn [name value] ...) } where :formatter is optional and is used to format the query.
    :facet-pivot-fields Vector of pivots to compute, each a list of facet fields. If a facet is tagged (e.g., {:tag ts} in :facet-date-ranges) then the string should be {!range=ts}other-facet.  Otherwise, use comma separated lists: this-facet,other-facet.
      (search "query" {:rows 10, :start 0 :fields <vector-of-fieldnames> :facet-filters {:name "facet-name" :value "facet-value" :formatter (fn...)})
      ;; formatter is optional and used to format the query.
  • Optionally use a connection manager

    • (hint: Use PoolingHttpClientConnectionManager when clojure-solr is used in a web server to query Solr in a multithreaded environment, to avoid creating thousands of dangling CLOSE_WAIT sockets.)
    (with-connection (connect <url> <connection-manager>)
    ;; connection operations...
  • Atomically update a document.

    doc: can be a document previously fetched from solr or the id of such a document
    unique-key: Name of the attribute that is the document's unique key.
    changes: a vector of maps containg :attribute, :func (:set, :inc, :add) and :value.
    (atomically-update! doc \"some-key"\ [{:attribute :client :func :set :value \"some-client-value\"}])
  • Debug queries

    trace function: a function to "debug" query
    body: query operation.
    (with-trace (fn [str] (debug [str]))
        (search... )))
  • More Like this

    Execute a Solr moreLikeThis (mlt) query.
    id: unique id of doc to match.
    unique-key: Name of key in schema that corresponds to id.
    similarity-fields: Fields to match against.  Pass as comma-separated list or vector.
    params: Map of optional parameters:
      match-include? -- this is not clearly documented.  See Solr manual.
      min-doc-freq -- ignore words that don't occur in at least this many docs.  Default 3.
      min-term-freq -- ignore terms that occur fewer times than this in a document. Default 2.
      min-word-len -- minimum word length for matching.  Default 5.
      boost? -- Specifies if query will be boosted by interesting term relevance.  Default true.
      max-query-terms -- Maximum number of query terms in a search.  Default 1000.
      max-results -- Maximum number of similar docs returned.  Default 5.
      fields -- fields of docs to return.  Pass as vector or comma-separated list..  Default: unique key + score.
      method -- Solr Query method
    (more-like-this doc-id doc-id-name [fields..] {:min-doc-freq 4 :min-word-len 6 :max-results 10 ...})


solr bindings for clojure







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