This repository has been archived by the owner on May 21, 2023. It is now read-only.
Misc Updates
This release provides a number of updates and improvements:
Bootstrap Script
- Remove explicit Tmuxinator install. (Now handled with default-gems and asdf)
- Remove Brewfile installation. (Now included in Laptop)
- Correct shellcheck warnings.
Laptop Script
- asdf updated to latest version
- Provide better Ruby/Gem output during installation.
- Include Brewfile and default-gems directly in laptop script.
- Correct shellcheck warnings.
macOS Defaults
- Removed outdated and unused configs.
- Verify that all current configs are actually valid.
- Improve dock setup script. Resolved broken icon issue?
- No longer installing htop - currently not working on High Sierra.
- Commented out Homebrew Vim install. (Currently compiling from source)
- Removed standalone Brewfile. (Now included in Laptop)
- Removed leftover nvm config script. (Now installing Node via asdf)
- Add instructions for setting up
- README updates and corrections