HAProxy Content Pack for Graylog (https://www.graylog.org/)
Tested with HAProxy 1.5/rsyslog/Graylog 2
This content pack provides example configuration and useful dashboard for Haproxy load balancer :
- Top hourly clients
- Top hourly backends
- Backends with retries > 0 in 5 days
- Frontend connections in 7 days
- Haproxy sample configuration (in order to format log in JSON)
- Rsyslog configuration for catching JSON logs of chrooted Haproxy and transfer to Graylog (change with your graylog server or LB)
- A sample dashboard -> feel free to adapt this !!
- No stream in this content pack (if you want to make one just create it with rule: application_name:haproxy)
- Haproxy 1.5
- Graylog 2 (or 2.1)
- Rsyslog collecting logs, other log collectors will work but may require modifying the searches to match the different fields outputted by other collectors
- !! You have to make a JSON extractor on the INPUT you are forwarding the logs in Graylog !!
log local2
chroot /var/lib/haproxy
pidfile /var/run/haproxy.pid
maxconn 30000
user haproxy
group haproxy
listen myapp
mode tcp
option tcplog
log-format {"haproxy_clientIP":"%ci","haproxy_clientPort":"%cp","haproxy_dateTime":"%t","haproxy_frontendNameTransport":"%ft","haproxy_backend":"%b","haproxy_serverName":"%s","haproxy_Tw":"%Tw","haproxy_Tc":"%Tc","haproxy_Tt":"%Tt","haproxy_bytesRead":"%B","haproxy_terminationState":"%ts","haproxy_actconn":%ac,"haproxy_FrontendCurrentConn":%fc,"haproxy_backendCurrentConn":%bc,"haproxy_serverConcurrentConn":%sc,"haproxy_retries":%rc,"haproxy_srvQueue":%sq,"haproxy_backendQueue":%bq,"haproxy_backendSourceIP":"%bi","haproxy_backendSourcePort":"%bp"}
option logasap
balance leastconn
Rsyslog sample configuration /etc/rsyslog.d/rsyslog-haproxy.conf (dont forget to change the IP address xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx !)
# Centralisation des logs vers Graylog
# Fichier specifique pour HAProxy
# HAProxy est chroote donc subtilite ici oblige de renvoyer les logs sur une
# entree udp 514. HAProxy log en local2. Rsyslog envoie ensuite tout ca dans
# un fichier de log pour le statut et un fichier pour le suivi
# Ce fichier de suivi sera formate en JSON et transmis à Graylog
# Provides UDP syslog reception
$ModLoad imudp
$UDPServerRun 514
local2.=info /var/log/haproxy.log;GRAYLOGRFC5424
local2.notice /var/log/haproxy-status.log;GRAYLOGRFC5424
# The difference between UDP and TCP is using @ instead of @@ as target descriptor.
if $syslogtag contains 'haproxy' and $msg contains 'stats' then ~
if $syslogtag contains 'haproxy' then @xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx:12211;GRAYLOGRFC5424
:syslogtag, contains, "haproxy" ~