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Command Line Arguments

Peter Gusev edited this page Aug 16, 2023 · 1 revision

Command line options for Clumsy.exe:

  • --filter = "filter string". Example: --filter "tcp and (tcp.DstPort == 443 or tcp.SrcPort == 443)"
  • --drop [on/off] = Whether or not drop is enabled. Default is off. Example: --drop on
  • --duplicate [on/off] = Whether or not duplicate is enabled. Default is off. Example: --duplicate on
  • --lag [on/off] = Whether or not lag is enabled. Default is off. Example: --lag on
  • --lag-time [0-3000] = Milliseconds to delay the request for LAG type
  • --ood [on/off] = Whether or not "out of order" is enabled. Default is off. Example: --ood on
  • --tamper [on/off] = Whether or not tamper is enabled. Default is off. Example: --tamper on
  • --throttle [on/off] = Whether or not throttle is enabled. Default is off. Example: --throttle on
  • --throttle-frame [0-1000] = Throttling timeframe in milliseconds. Default is 30
  • --throttle-drop [on/off] = Whether or not throttled packets should be dropped. Default is off. Example: --throttle-drop on
  • --bandwidth [on/off] = Whether or not bandwidth limit is enabled. Default is off. Example: --bandwidth on
  • --bandwidth-bandwidth [0-99999] = Bandwidth in Kilobytes per second. Example: --bandwidth-bandwidth 10
  • --TYPE-inbound [on/off] = Given TYPE is one of drop, duplicate, lag, ood, tamper, or throttle, this sets the inbound to on. Example: --drop-inbound on
  • --TYPE-outbound [on/off] = Given TYPE is one of drop, duplicate, lag, ood, tamper, or throttle, this sets the outbound to on. Example: --drop-outbound on
  • --TYPE-chance [0.0-100.0] = Given TYPE is one of drop, duplicate, ood, tamper, or throttle, this sets the chance of the operation. Example: --drop-chance 50.0


clumsy.exe --filter "tcp and (tcp.DstPort == 443 or tcp.SrcPort == 443)" --drop on --drop-inbound on --drop-outbound on --drop-chance 100.0
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