- Install node.js and npm
- Install gulp globally (use sudo if needed):
npm install gulp -g
- run
npm install
to install local packages and client dependencies - NOTE: you will need to repeat the step above if there are some changes to package.json
- you need JDK 7 or 8 and Maven
- from the top-level of infinispan ($ISPN_HOME) run:
./build.sh clean package -DskipTests
- cd $ISPN_HOME/server/integration/build/target/infinispan-server-*
- run
./bin/add-user.sh -u admin '!qazxsw2'
to create an admin user
- run server by going to $ISPN_HOME/server/integration/build/target/infinispan-server-* and running
- Run locally in development mode by utilising the gulp:serve task detailed below
- install Typedoc (see http://typedoc.org for details)
- run
gulp typedoc
Serve application in browser
gulp serve # Serves application, watch *.js, reload
gulp serve --watch-ts # Serves application, watch *.ts, recompile, reload (useful without TypeScript IDE compilation)
gulp serve:dist # Serves application from bundled dist file
Validate sources with specified rules defined in :
for TypeScript.eslintrc
for JavaScript
gulp check # check all
gulp check:eslint # checks gulp tasks and gulpfile (only not generated js files in this repo)
gulp check:tslint # checks TypeScript files from src/ and test/ directory
gulp check:tslint:src # checks TypeScript files from src/ directory
gulp check:tslint:test # checks TypeScript files from src/ directory
Angular Bundling
gulp ng:directives # bundles directives from templateUrl to template
gulp ng:annotate # adds ng annotate to typescript output
Run TypeScript compiler
gulp compile # compile all
gulp compile:src # compile *.ts files from source directory
Build dist folder
gulp build # build all
gulp build:dist # creates self executable dist directory
gulp clean # clean both src and dist folders
gulp clean:src # removes *.map, *.js and *.css files from source directory
gulp clean:dist # removes the created dist folder
gulp clean:all # calls clean:src and clean:dist as well as removing the node_modules and typings folders.
gulp typedoc # create documentation for service layer