Collected and identified tweets about job openings
- Twitter provides real-time information about job openings.
- Search for relevant hashtags (i.e.) #jobsearch produces many irrelevant results, i.e. articles on job hunting, random thoughts on jobs, and junk tweets that use the hashtag for promotion
- It is an under-utilized source.
- classification model to identify job openings tweets using text analysis of tweets: accuracy 92%, area under the curve: 0.96
- Data insights about job openings on twitter:
- Most active hour of the day: 9am, 12pm - 1pm, 3pm PST
- Regions with large number of job opening tweets:
- Boston has large # of openings in most job categories
- San Francisco and LA have jobs in marketing/sales
- Austin has many engineering openings
- Houston many medical related openings
for more information, see the pdf file or jobs_on_twitter presentation.