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Updated prediction module
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Joe P committed Feb 27, 2018
1 parent f39ac23 commit 47010d7
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Showing 6 changed files with 56 additions and 103 deletions.
Binary file removed __pycache__/sl_io.cpython-35.pyc
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Binary file removed __pycache__/sl_proc.cpython-35.pyc
Binary file not shown.
Binary file removed __pycache__/sl_ui.cpython-35.pyc
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14 changes: 13 additions & 1 deletion
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Expand Up @@ -441,7 +441,18 @@ def livestack(self):
if self.refresh is not None:

def show_suggestions(self):
reg = predict_regions(,
for y,x,a in reg:
w = np.sqrt(a)*2.5
xlist = [x-w,x-w,x+w,x+w,x-w]
ylist = [y-w,y+w,y+w,y-w,y-w]
ylist = [[1]-q for q in ylist]
self.imgdisplay.img.plot(xlist, ylist, color='green')

def setcommands(self):
# For setting .hdr file
self.browsebtn.config(command = self.hdrdialog)
Expand All @@ -458,6 +469,7 @@ def setcommands(self):
self.showroischk.config(command = lambda: self.imgdisplay.redraw(self))
self.autoalignchk.config(command = self.genI0IT)
self.autosegment.config(command = self.autoselect_rois)
self.suggestnext.config(command = self.show_suggestions)

# Image nav buttons
self.imgfirst.config(command = lambda: self.setxim(ind = 0))
Expand Down
145 changes: 43 additions & 102 deletions
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@@ -1,44 +1,17 @@
import numpy as np

#from scipy.ndimage import fourier_shift
from scipy.ndimage.filters import gaussian_filter
from scipy.ndimage.interpolation import shift #, zoom
from scipy.ndimage.interpolation import shift
from scipy.ndimage.morphology import binary_erosion

from skimage.feature import register_translation
from skimage.filters import sobel
from skimage.filters import sobel, threshold_otsu
from skimage.measure import regionprops
from skimage.morphology import label
from import imsave

def otsu(img):
"""Calculates a threshold for a integer-
valued image using Otsu's method."""

tmp = np.ndarray.flatten(img.astype(

mymin = np.min(tmp)
mymax = np.max(tmp)
myavg = np.mean(tmp)

bins = np.array([n for n in range(mymin, mymax+1)])
vals = np.zeros_like(bins, dtype = np.float)
for x in tmp:
vals[x-mymin] += 1.0
vals /= np.sum(vals)

variance = np.zeros_like(bins, dtype = np.float)
wlow = vals[0]
mulow = mymin
whigh = 1.0 - wlow
muhigh = (myavg - wlow*mulow)/whigh
variance[0] = wlow*whigh*(mulow - muhigh)*(mulow - muhigh)

for n in range(1, mymax - mymin):
wlow += vals[n]
mulow = np.sum( bins[:n]*vals[:n] )/np.sum(vals[:n])
whigh = 1.0 - wlow
muhigh = (myavg - wlow*mulow)/whigh
variance[n] = wlow*whigh*(mulow - muhigh)*(mulow - muhigh)

return np.float(mymin + np.argmax(variance))
import keras
upsampler = keras.models.load_model('upsample_model.h5')

def calculate_shift(imgA, imgB, pxwidth):
"""Uses the registration algorithm from scikit-image
Expand All @@ -49,7 +22,7 @@ def calculate_shift(imgA, imgB, pxwidth):
filtA = gaussian_filter(imgA, min(sigma, 3.0))
filtB = gaussian_filter(imgB, min(sigma, 3.0))

thr = otsu(filtB)
thr = threshold_otsu(filtB)
edgecheck = 1*(filtB < thr)
# Check whether the object lies along a boundary of the image,
# and if so apply a Sobel filter to use edges to align
Expand All @@ -62,70 +35,6 @@ def calculate_shift(imgA, imgB, pxwidth):
shift = register_translation(filtA, filtB, upsample_factor = min(1000.0, 100.0/pxwidth))
return [-shift[0][1], shift[0][0]]

# def calculate_shift_scipy(imgA, imgB, pxwidth, zfmax = None):
# """Given two images and the width of each pixel (in microns),
# applies a Gaussian filter to both images, using a Gaussian
# with a width of 0.15 microns (i.e., approximately 3 times
# the spatial resolution of a typical STXM image). Calculates
# the 2D cross-correlation and returns the shift that maximizes
# the cross-correlation, upsampling to calculate the shift to
# within 10 nanometers or 1/10 pixel, whichever is finer.
# """
# # Apply Gaussian filter
# sigma = 0.15/pxwidth
# filtA = gaussian_filter(imgA, sigma, mode = 'nearest')
# filtB = gaussian_filter(imgB, sigma, mode = 'nearest')
# # Calculate shift
# if zfmax is None:
# lim = max(1.0, 10.0, pxwidth/0.01)
# else:
# lim = zfmax
# if lim == 1.0:
# tmpA = filtA[::]
# tmpB = filtB[::]
# else:
# zf = lim/2.0
# tmpA = zoom(filtA, zf)
# tmpB = zoom(filtB, zf)
# image_product = np.fft.fft2(tmpA) * np.fft.fft2(tmpB).conj()
# corr = np.fft.fftshift(np.fft.ifft2(image_product))
# s = corr.shape
# origin = [(q - (q%2))/2 for q in s]
# x = np.argmax(corr.real)
# center = [int(x/s[1]), x%s[1]]
# finalsh = [np.float(origin[0] - center[0])/zf, np.float(origin[1] - center[1])/zf]
# print(lim, zf, x, finalsh)
# if lim != 1.0:
# tmpA = zoom(tmpA, 2.0)
# tmpB = zoom(shift(tmpB, [-finalsh[0], -finalsh[1]], mode = 'nearest'), 2.0)
# me = np.mean(tmpA)
# st = np.std(tmpA)
# nrmA = (tmpA - me)/st
# corr = np.zeros((3,3), dtype = np.float)
# for ii in range(3):
# rollB = np.roll(tmpB, ii - 1, axis = 0)
# for jj in range(3):
# nrmB = np.roll(rollB, jj - 1, axis = 1)
# corr[ii][jj] += np.sum(nrmA*nrmB)
# x = np.argmax(corr)
# center = [int(x/3), x%3]
# finalsh[0] += np.float(1 - center[0])/lim
# finalsh[1] += np.float(1 - center[1])/lim
# return finalsh

def alignoneimage(img, sh):
"""Given an image and x,y shifts in pixels, returns a
shifted image in which pixels beyond the boundaries of
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -183,8 +92,8 @@ def genmap(raw, shift):
"""Given two images and the shift between then, converts
both to OD and then takes the difference of the two images
to generate an elemental map."""
thr_0 = otsu(raw[0])
thr_1 = otsu(raw[1])
thr_0 = threshold_otsu(raw[0])
thr_1 = threshold_otsu(raw[1])

fl_0 = np.ndarray.flatten(raw[0])
I0_0 = np.mean([x for x in fl_0 if x > thr_0])
Expand All @@ -205,7 +114,7 @@ def autoseg(dataset, bdy):
regions with a boundary with width of the specified
number of pixels."""

thr = otsu(dataset.rawimg)
thr = threshold_otsu(dataset.rawimg)

i0_mask = (dataset.displayimg > thr)*(dataset.keeppx)
if int(bdy/2) + bdy%2 > 0:
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -245,5 +154,37 @@ def regridlinescan(rawimg, energies, dims):


def predict_regions(rawimg, dims):
"""Given an image and dimensions, predicts an upsampled version
and returns centroids of regions with (a) OD between 0.5 and 1.5
and (b) area at least 1 um^2."""

# Apply neural net upsampling
imgin = np.array([[rawimg]]).astype(np.float32)
usamp = upsampler.predict(imgin)[0,0]

# Convert to OD
thr = threshold_otsu(usamp)
myi0 = np.mean(usamp[usamp>thr])
usampOD = np.log(myi0/usamp)

mask = (usampOD>0.5)*(usampOD<1.5)
a = (4*rawimg.shape[0]-usampOD.shape[0])//2
b = (4*rawimg.shape[1]-usampOD.shape[1])//2
mask = np.pad(mask, ((a,a),(b,b)), mode='constant')
reg = regionprops(label(mask))
okcentroids = []

for r in reg:
scaledarea = r.area*dims[2]*dims[3]/16
if scaledarea>1:

okcentroids.sort(key=lambda ca: -ca[2])

return okcentroids[:10]

if __name__ == '__main__':
Binary file added upsample_model.h5
Binary file not shown.

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