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Joe Pacold committed Aug 15, 2016
0 parents commit 9db790e
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Showing 5 changed files with 1,380 additions and 0 deletions.
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@@ -0,0 +1,218 @@
import numpy as np

from glob import glob
from os import path

def loadstack(hdrfile, master):
"""Takes the full path to a STXM .hdr file as input.
Parses the .hdr file to get the energy points and the
dimensions of the image(s) and pixels.
Builds a list of all existing raw image files associated
with the .hdr file and then loads each file.
Returns the list of energies, the image dimensions, a stack
of raw images, and a list of existing image files.

with open(hdrfile, 'r') as hdr:
ln = hdr.readline()

while 'ScanDefinition' not in ln:
ln = hdr.readline()
scantype = ln.split(';')[1][9:-1]

while 'Axis = { Name = \"Energy\"' not in ln:
ln = hdr.readline()

ln = hdr.readline()
energies = ln[:ln.index(')')]
energies = energies.split(', ')
energies = [float(en) for en in energies[1:]]

if "Line Scan" in scantype:
while 'Axis = { Name = \"Sample\"' not in ln:
ln = hdr.readline()

ln = ln.split()
dims = [energies[-1] - energies[0], float(ln[ln.index('Max')+2][:-1]) - float(ln[ln.index('Min')+2][:-1]), 1.0, 1.0 ]
ln = hdr.readline()
ln = ln.split()
dims[2] = int(ln[ln.index('Points')+2][1:-1])
dims[3] = dims[1]/float(dims[2])

while 'XRange = ' not in ln:
ln = hdr.readline()

ln = ln.split()
dims = [ln[ln.index(s) + 2] for s in ['XRange', 'YRange', 'XStep', 'YStep']]
dims = [float(d[:-1]) for d in dims]

workdir = path.dirname(hdrfile)
prefix = path.basename(hdrfile)[:-4]
ximlist = glob(path.join(workdir, prefix) + '*.xim')
ximlist = [path.abspath(f) for f in ximlist]
raw = []
for k in range(len(ximlist)):
master.stackdisp.set('Loading image ' + str(k+1) + '/' + str(len(ximlist)))

return [energies, dims, raw, ximlist, scantype]

def writencb(master):
"""Writes stack files (.ncb and .dat) in aXis2000 format."""

fname = path.join(path.dirname(master.hdrfile), master.stackfname.get())
hdrfile = master.hdrfile
rawstack =
energies =

with open(hdrfile, 'r') as hdr:
ln = hdr.readline()

while ln[:12] != '{ CentreXPos':
ln = hdr.readline()
params = ln.split(';')

xdim = float(params[2][9:])
ydim = float(params[3][9:])
xnpx = int(params[6][10:])
ynpx = int(params[7][10:])

ringcurrent = []
imgids = []

while ln:
ln = hdr.readline()
if ln[:5] == 'Image':
params = ln.split('; ')

imgnames = [hdrfile[:-4] + '_a' + n + '.xim' for n in imgids]
print(len(imgnames), len(ringcurrent))
# normalize images to ring current 500.0
for i in range(len(rawstack)):
rawstack[i] *= 500.0
rawstack[i] /= ringcurrent[i]

alldata = np.array([])
for im in rawstack:
alldata = np.append(alldata, np.ndarray.flatten(im[::-1]))

# check max counts. if possible, scale up by power of 10,
# but keep the max counts below 32768 so that output can
# be stored as 16-bit integers. if max counts are above
# 32768, scale down by power of 10.

m = np.max(alldata)
scaleexp = np.log10(32767.0/m)
if scaleexp > 0:
scaleexp = int(scaleexp)
scaleexp = int(scaleexp - 1)
scale = (10.0)**scaleexp

alldata *= scale

# write .ncb -- just a list of 16-bit integers

# write .dat file associated with .ncb. The pattern is:
# [# of pixels in x] [# of pixels in y] [count scale factor]
# 0.00000 [x_width in microns]
# 0.00000 [y_width in microns]
# [# of images]
# [energy, image 1 ]
# [energy, image 2 ]
# [ ... ]
# [energy, last image]
#[filename, image 1] [energy, image 1 ] 2.00 (<--- not sure what the function of this is!)
#[filename, image 2] [energy, image 2 ] 2.00
#[ ... ] 2.00
#[filename, last image] [energy, last image] 2.00

datfile = open(fname[:-3] + 'dat', 'w')

datfile.write(' '*(12 - len(str(xnpx))) + str(xnpx))
datfile.write(' '*(12 - len(str(ynpx))) + str(ynpx))
datfile.write(' '*(13 - len(str(scale))) + str(scale))

datfile.write(' 0.000000')
datfile.write(' '*(13 - len(str(xdim))) + str(xdim) + '\n')
datfile.write(' 0.000000')
datfile.write(' '*(13 - len(str(ydim))) + str(ydim) + '\n')

datfile.write(' '*(12 - len(str(len(rawstack)))) + str(len(rawstack)) + '\n')

for i in range(len(rawstack)):
datfile.write(' '*(13 - len(str(energies[i]))) + str(energies[i]) + '\n')

for i in range(len(rawstack)):
datfile.write(imgnames[i][-21:] + ' ' + str(energies[i]))
if str(energies[i])[-2] == '.':
datfile.write(' 2.00\n')


master.filedisp.set('Wrote stack file to ' + fname)

def writetxt(master, is_i0 = False):

if is_i0:
fname = path.join(path.dirname(master.hdrfile), master.I0fname.get())
yvals =
fname = path.join(path.dirname(master.hdrfile), master.spectrumfname.get())
yvals =

energies =

outfile = open(fname, 'w')
outfile.write('% 1d\n')
outfile.write('% ' + fname[-16:-4] + '\n')
outfile.write('% ' + str(len(yvals)) + '\n')
outfile.write('% from stack ' + (path.dirname(fname))[-12:] + '\n')
for i in range(len(yvals)):
outfile.write('\t' + str(energies[i]) + '\t' + str(yvals[i]) + '\n')

if is_i0:
master.filedisp.set('Wrote I0 to ' + fname)
master.filedisp.set('Wrote spectrum to ' + fname)

def writealn(master):
fname = path.join(path.dirname(master.hdrfile), master.alnfname.get())

fout = open(fname, 'w')

fout.write('! Alignment file generated by STXM Live Analysis\n')
fout.write('! X-Y Pixel shifts after alignment\n')
fout.write('! Full images used\n')
fout.write('! Aligned to first image, ' + path.basename([0]) + ' ' + str([0]) + ' eV\n')
fout.write('! Correlation maximum determined by peak\n')
fout.write('! No edge enhancement\n')
fout.write('! Upsample factor 1000\n')
fout.write('! Gaussian smoothing of 3 pixels\n')
fout.write('PLOTIT(' + str(len( + '\n')

for i in range(len(
fout.write(path.basename([i]) + ' ' + str([i]) + ' ' + '2.00,')
fout.write(str([i][0]) + ',' + str([i][1]) + '\n')

master.filedisp.set('Wrote alignment file to ' + fname)


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