Cheats made by someone who knows more about what they're doing
Check out the content branch for more cheats
- Auto Play
- GUI ingame chat for cheaters? (Low chance of this happening)
- More Racing cheats
- Change name during game
- Set players gold/crypto
There are 3 good methods to using these scripts:
- Importing one of the Bookmarklets.html files using these instructions
- Going to the GitHub pages site, choosing a gamemode, then dragging a cheat to your bookmarks bar or clicking one to copy the script
- Copying a script and running it in the inspect element console
We don't actually know what to do about this or how to fix it, sorry.
Make sure you're running it properly (see How to use), if it still doesn't work and other cheats do, then make an issue
Obfuscated are scripts that are changed to be unreadable, unobfuscated are the original scripts (both with an added update checker). Unobfuscated scripts will not work if you try copying it and pasting it into a bookmarklet. This is because of the lack of semicolons in certain places. Please either use the obfuscated scripts or use one of the methods mentions in the first FAQ
No, these are things we would've already done if they were possible, they're managed on the backend of Blooket so we can't modify them
I'll start making scripts for other games when the Blooket scripts stop needing so much maintenance
Battle Royale is a gamemode that works almost entirely on the host's end. The only thing we have control over is answering questions.
No, I am not gliz. I'm a close friend who worked on the original Blooket cheats with him and took over after he got a cease and desist.
These scripts aren't made for mobile, so we don't really know how to get them to work on it.
The mobile GUI is the original GUI I made long ago. Some people said it worked on mobile and it's a lot neater for mobile use apparently so we just called it that.
- Double Enemy XP
- Half Enemy Speed
- Instant Kill
- Invincibility
- Kill Enemies
- Magnet
- Max Current Abilities
- Next Level
- Remove Obstacles
- Reset Health
- Always Triple
- Auto Guess
- Choice ESP
- Password ESP
- Remove Hack
- Set Crypto
- Set Password
- Steal Players Crypto