Flask Eureka Integration
Install package using:
pip install flask-eureka
And then, in your python project:
from flask import Flask
from flask_eureka import Eureka
app = Flask(__name__)
# do
eureka = Eureka(app)
In addition to this, the Eureka defaul blueprint eureka_bp offered by the library must be added to your application:
from flask_eureka.eureka import eureka_bp
Open your eureka discovery service, and the application will be shown as my-flask-service.
The flask-eureka library integrate with flask's configuration mechanism. The following (environment) variables are used:
- SERVICE_NAME = Service name is used as the application ID towards Eureka
- EUREKA_SERVICE_URL= The Eureka service endpoint used for registration
- EUREKA_SERVICE_PATH = The path of eureka service end point. Default to eureka/apps
- EUREKA_INSTANCE_HOSTNAME = The hostname used for registration on eureka.
- EUREKA_INSTANCE_PORT = The port number used for the instance
- EUREKA_HEARTBEAT = Number of seconds used for updating registration status towards Eureka. Default is 90 seconds