This is an experimental stab at quickly booting a Valheim server on
$> git clone
$> cd fly-valheim
$> curl -L | sh # if you don't have flyctl yet
$> flyctl auth login
$> flyctl launch
# Choose an app name
# Choose a region near most of your Valheim players
# "No" for postgres db
# "No" for deploy now
# see source for details
# Turns the VM into a dedicated CPU with more RAM
# Sets up volume for storing world/config data
$> ./
# When prompted, choose the same region as for your app above
$> flyctl deploy
# Now you can watch logs; it may take a few minutes for Valheim to be ready
# Watch for the message "Waiting for server to listen on UDP port 3456" to stop
$> flyctl logs
# Once its ready, you can connect to valheim using the "Hostname" from:
$> flyctl info