This is a scraper for statistical data from the ([] built on top of the Statscraper package <>.
The scraper is limited to the data avialble through
$ pip install viltolyckor_scraper
from viltolyckor import ViltolyckorScraper
# Init scraper
scraper = ViltolyckorScraper()
# List all available datasets
datasets = scraper.items
# [<ViltolyckorDataset: viltolyckor per viltslag>]
# Select a dataset
dataset = scraper.items["viltolyckor per viltslag"]
# List all available dimensions
datasets = verksamhetsform.dimensions
# [<Dimension: region>, <Dimension: year>, <Dimension: month>, <Dimension: viltslag>]
# Make a query
res = dataset.fetch() # Get latest available data for whole country by default
# Analyze the results with Pandas
df = res.pandas
# Make a more specific query
# Get data for a given period
res = dataset.fetch({"period": "2015"})
# Or from a specific region (all years)
res = ds.fetch({"region": u"Stockholms län", "year": "*"})
Set up:
$ pip install -r requirements.txt
Run tests:
$ make tests
To deploy a new version to PyPi:
- Update version in
- Build: python3 sdist bdist_wheel
- Upload: python3 -m twine upload dist/viltolyckor_scraper-X.Y.X*
...assuming you have Twine installed (pip install twine) and configured.