Spatial-ATAC-seq: spatially resolved chromatin accessibility profiling of tissue at genome scale and cellular level
Next Generation Sequencing (NGS) was performed using the Illumina NextSeq 2000 or NovaSeq 6000 (150:8:150).
Read 1: contains the genomic sequence
Read 2: contains the spatial Barcode A and Barcode B and genomic sequence
Raw read 2 -> New Read 3 + New Read 2
New Read 3: contains the genome sequences
New Read 2: contains the spatial Barcode A and Barcode B
Raw read 2 -> New Read 3
Reformatting raw data was implemented by in the Data_preprocessing folder.
The reformated data was processed using Cell Ranger ATAC v1.2 with following references:
Mouse reference (mm10):
curl -O
Human reference (GRCh38):
curl -O
A preprocessing pipeline we developed using Snakemake workflow management system is in the Data_preprocessing folder.
The data visualization were implemented with ArchR v1.0.1 and Seurat v3.2 package (Data_visualization folder).
Brief descriptions of analysis scripts:
metadata_files_for_Seurat_spatial.ipynb: Generate metadata files that were compatible with Seurat workflow for spatial datasets.
archR.R: Data normalization and dimensionality reduction, identifying the marker genes, peak calling, deviatons enrichment anaylsis, bulk sample projection, and pseudotime analysis.
spatial_data_visualization.R: Visualize spatially resolved data on tissue sections.
GO_enrichment_analysis.R: GO enrichment analysis for marker genes.
integrative_data_analysis.R: Integrative data analysis with scRNA-seq reference datasets.