ZenText is the easiest way to manage the text of your iOS app. With ZenText you can:
- Style NSAttributedStrings with ease, with or without regex matching (1 line!)
- Localize styled NSAttributedStrings
- Store all your strings in one place (instead of across multiple files)
ZenText is available through CocoaPods. To install it, simply add the following line to your Podfile:
pod "ZenText"
To run the example project, clone the repo, and run pod install
from the Example directory first.
You'll notice that Copy can include args. Simply use $0, $1, ... to set your args. Order within the text doesn't matter.
// english chat copy. prefix is for establishing context (optional)
ZenText.manager.config.addCopy("en", prefix: "chat") {
return [
"dance": ["@$0 dances with themself"], // note: this is chat.dance
// spanish chat copy
ZenText.manager.config.addCopy("sp", prefix: "chat") {
return [
"dance": ["@$0 baila con sí mismos"], // note: this is chat.dance
myLabel.attributedText = ZenText.manager.attributedString(key: "global.fun", args: [sender, other])
ZenText.manager.config.setStyles {
return [
"action": Style(
color: .lightGrayColor()
"token": Style(
color: .blueColor(),
fontSize: 14
"hulk": Style (
color: .greenColor(),
fontSize: 40
let atUserRegex = "(@[A-Za-z0-9_]*)"
mutableAttributedString.regexFind(atUserRegex, addStyle: "token")
In this example, chat.poke has arguments $0 and $1 styled as "token"
ZenText.manager.config.addCopy("en", prefix: "chat") {
return [
"poke": ["@$0 ".style("token"), "pokes ", "@$1".style("token")] // note: this is chat.poke
I recommend storing all your strings in a Copy.swift (name it what you want) file within your project. I also recommend making use of the copy 'prefixes' to separate your keys by context (e.g. "global", "profile", "chat", etc.)
Let me know if you have any questions! Please submit feedback, issues, and pull requests :D
- Have option to automatically set ZenText localization from device localization. Currently this is manual.
- Scripts to help you work with or migrate NSLocalizedStrings
- Clean integrations with other useful NSAttributedString libraries
JP McGlone, [email protected]
ZenText is available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.