This theme is included with the current MediaGoblin release.
During your MediaGoblin install or update, you should have run:
Install: git submodule init && git submodule update
Update: git submodue update
which should have pulled in this theme to ./extlib/sandyseventiesspeedboat/
To use this theme, edit your mediagoblin_local.ini
file with:
theme = sandyseventiesspeedboat
and run to link the theme assets
$ ./bin/gmg assetlink
and restart your instance.
This theme uses a few bits of Skeleton and the Font Awesome icon font.
The name Sandy Seventies Speedboat is thanks to @aether's notice here: Link - (sorry for the dead links, seems that pump instance is no longer online...)
If you find any issues with the theme, please file a report on the issue tracker.
This section is no longer needed but, being kept here for older installs. This theme is not guaranteed to work with older versions of MediaGoblin. Actually, it most likely will not...
Navigate to your MediaGoblin directory and if it isn't present, create the directory ./user_dev/themes/
and navigate into the newly created directory.
Clone this theme with:
git clone sandyseventiesspeedboat
Edit your mediagoblin_local.ini
file to use this theme:
theme = sandyseventiesspeedboat
You'll need to link the theme assets by running:
./bin/gmg assetlink
And finally, restart your MediaGoblin and enjoy.