Releases: jrbudda/KerbalEngineer
Releases · jrbudda/KerbalEngineer
Kerbal Engineer Redux v1.1.6.0
ONLY COMPATIBLE WITH KSP 1.7.0+, 2019-4-10, KSP 1.7.0 #2483
- Version bump for 1.7.0
- Show localized biome name
Kerbal Engineer Redux v1.1.5.7, 2018-1-14, KSP 1.6.1 #2401
- Fix Impact Marker showing while on EVA and KER overlay isn't available due to career limitations.
- Add readout for throttle % to Vessel readouts.
- Merge some pull requests.
Kerbal Engineer Redux v1.1.5.6, 2018-1-8, KSP 1.6.0 #2395
- Fix missing part data causing VAB filters to break.
Kerbal Engineer Redux v1.1.5.5
Update version for 1.6
- No other changes
Kerbal Engineer Redux v1.1.5.4, 2018-10-15, KSP 1.5.0 #2332
- Version bump for 1.5.0
- VAB bottom overlay respects KER Gui Size setting
- VAB bottom overlay can be moved left and right in the setting menu
- Minor bugfixes
Kerbal Engineer Redux v1.1.5.3, 2018-7-27, KSP 1.4.5 #2243
- Total overhaul of impact and suicide burn calculations.
- Added impact marker to map and flight view. Toggleable via the Impact Marker readout button.
- Add suicide burn countdown and burn length readouts.
- Add minimum safe orbtial altitude readout.
- Change a number of default sections and readouts. Will only apply to a clean install.
Kerbal Engineer Redux v1.1.5.2, 2018-6-5, KSP 1.4.3 #2152
- Load presets on new install instead of hard-coded defaults. Allows separators. But not colors. You do your own colors.
- Add presets for hud 1 and hud 2. Change some default readouts.
- Fix error when resetting a readout color to default. If your colors aren't saving, delete Settings/ReadoutsConfig.xml and try again. Something went awry.
- Fix a few readouts that were taking up too much space in 'hud' mode.
- Fix post-burn-eccentricity readout using the wrong units.
Kerbal Engineer Redux v1.1.5.1, 2018-6-2, KSP 1.4.3 #2152
- Fix Target Selector and post-burn-relative-inclination not updating if they were the only rendezvous readouts showing.
- Fix error in tracking station.
Kerbal Engineer Redux v1.1.5.0, 2018-6-1, KSP 1.4.3 #2152
- You can now set custom colors for all readout values. These are stored in ReadoutsConfig.xml which you can delete if something goes horribly awry.
- Added readouts: post-burn eccentricity, post-burn relative inclination, dynamic pressure.
- Added 'clear separator' misc readout. Serves as a transparent spacer.
- In addition to Intake Air and Electric Charge the delta-V calulation now ignores all propellants marked as 'ignoreForIsp'. If this breaks something please report it.
- Fix in-flight calculations for Real Fuels engines while throttled up.
Kerbal Engineer Redux v1.1.4.11, 2018-5-8, KSP 1.4.3 #2152
- Added new 'Body' readouts: Body Radius, Body Mass, Synchronous Orbit Altitiude, Body Orbital Period, Body Rotation Period, Surface Gravity, Surface Escape Velocity, Body SOI Altitude.
- Added new 'Vessel' readout: Gravity.
- Fix target selector showing everything twice while orbiting Kerbol.
- Add labels to target selector categories.
- Handle thrust curve engines in the VAB with full thrust != 1. (thx Kerbas-ad-astra)
- Don't hide KER build window when setting action groups.