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m4lvin committed Jun 1, 2015
1 parent 8e54938 commit 9e06752
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2 changes: 2 additions & 0 deletions .gitignore
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Expand Up @@ -14,3 +14,5 @@ cabal.sandbox.config
182 changes: 182 additions & 0 deletions BDDREL.hs
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@@ -0,0 +1,182 @@

module BDDREL where
import Control.Arrow
import Data.HasCacBDD hiding (Top,Bot)
import Data.List
import Data.Maybe (fromJust)
import DELLANG
import KNSCAC (Scenario,KnState,texBDD)
import SYMDEL

problemPM :: PointedModel
problemPM = ( KrM [0,1,2,3]
[ (0,[[0],[1,2,3]]), (1,[[0,1,2],[3]]) ]
[ (0,[(P 1,True ),(P 2,True )]),
(1,[(P 1,True ),(P 2,False)]),
(2,[(P 1,False),(P 2,True )]),
(3,[(P 1,False),(P 2,False)]) ], 1::State )

problemKNS :: Scenario
problemKNS = kripkeToKns problemPM

type RelBDD = Bdd

booloutof :: [Prp] -> [Prp] -> Bdd
booloutof ps qs = conSet $
[ var n | (P n) <- ps ] ++
[ neg $ var n | (P n) <- qs \\ ps ]

mv :: [Prp] -> [Prp]
mv = map (fromJust . (`lookup` [ (P n, P (2*n) ) | n <- [0..] ])) -- represent p in the double vocabulary
cp :: [Prp] -> [Prp]
cp = map (fromJust . (`lookup` [ (P n, P ((2*n) + 1) ) | n <- [0..] ])) -- represent p' in the double vocabulary
unprime :: [Prp] -> [Prp]
-- Go from p' in double vocabulary to p in single vocabulary:
unprime = map f where
f (P m) | even m = error "unprime failed: Number is even!"
| otherwise = P $ fromJust (lookup m [ ((2*n) + 1, n) | n <- [0..] ])

cpBdd :: Bdd -> Bdd
cpBdd b | b == bot = b
| b == top = b
| otherwise = relabel [ (n, (2*n) + 1) | n <- [0..m] ] b where (Just m) = maxVarOf b

unmvBdd :: Bdd -> Bdd
unmvBdd b | b == bot = b
| b == top = b
| otherwise = relabel [ (2 * n, n) | n <- [0..m] ] b where (Just m) = maxVarOf b

propRel2bdd :: [Prp] -> Rel KnState -> RelBDD
propRel2bdd voc rel = disSet (map linkbdd rel) where
linkbdd (here,there) = con (booloutof (mv here) (mv voc)) (booloutof (cp there) (cp voc))

samplerel :: Rel KnState
samplerel = [
([],[]), ([],[P 1]), ([],[P 2]), ([],[P 1, P 2]),
([P 1],[P 1]), ([P 1],[P 1, P 2]),
([P 2],[P 2]), ([P 2],[P 1, P 2]),
([P 1, P 2],[P 1, P 2])

data GeneralKripkeModel = GenKrM [State] [(Agent,Rel State)] [(State,KRIPKEDEL.Assignment)] deriving (Show)

type GeneralPointedModel = (GeneralKripkeModel,State)

myDispModel :: GeneralPointedModel -> IO ()
myDispModel (GenKrM states rel val, cur)
= dispGenModel show showAgent showVal "" (GenVisModel states rel val cur)

myTexModel :: GeneralPointedModel -> String -> IO String
myTexModel (GenKrM states rel val, cur)
= texGenModel show showAgent showVal "" (GenVisModel states rel val cur)

exampleModel :: GeneralKripkeModel
exampleModel = GenKrM
[ (0,[ (1,2),(2,2) ]),
(1,[ (1,1),(2,2) ]) ]
[ (1,[(P 0,True) ]),
(2,[(P 0,False)])]

examplePointedModel :: GeneralPointedModel
examplePointedModel = (exampleModel,1::State)

getPropRel :: GeneralKripkeModel -> Agent -> Rel KnState
getPropRel (GenKrM states rel val) i =
if length (nub (map snd val)) /= length states
then error "Model does not have distinct valuations."
else map (translate *** translate) (fromJust $ lookup i rel) where
translate n = map fst (filter snd $ fromJust $ lookup n val)

relBddFor :: GeneralKripkeModel -> Agent -> RelBDD
relBddFor model@(GenKrM _ _ val) i = propRel2bdd voc (getPropRel model i) where
voc = (map fst . snd . head) val

data GenKnowStruct = GenKnS [Prp] Bdd [(Agent,RelBDD)] deriving (Eq,Show)

type GenScenario = (GenKnowStruct,[Prp])

bddOf :: GenKnowStruct -> Form -> Bdd
bddOf _ Top = top
bddOf _ Bot = bot
bddOf _ (PrpF (P n)) = var n
bddOf kns (Neg form) = neg $ bddOf kns form
bddOf kns (Conj forms) = conSet $ map (bddOf kns) forms
bddOf kns (Disj forms) = disSet $ map (bddOf kns) forms
bddOf kns (Xor forms) = xorSet $ map (bddOf kns) forms
bddOf kns (Impl f g) = imp (bddOf kns f) (bddOf kns g)
bddOf kns (Equi f g) = equ (bddOf kns f) (bddOf kns g)
bddOf kns (Forall ps f) = forallSet (map fromEnum ps) (bddOf kns f)
bddOf kns (Exists ps f) = existsSet (map fromEnum ps) (bddOf kns f)

bddOf kns@(GenKnS allprops lawbdd obdds) (K i form) = unmvBdd result where
result = forallSet ps' (cpBdd lawbdd `imp` (omegai `imp` cpBdd (bddOf kns form)))
ps' = map fromEnum $ cp allprops
(Just omegai) = lookup i obdds

bddOf _ (Kw _ _) = error "bddOf failed: Kw not implemented"

bddOf _ (Ck _ _) = error "bddOf failed: Ck not implemented"
bddOf _ (Ckw _ _) = error "bddOf failed: Ckw not implemented"

bddOf kns@(GenKnS allprops lawbdd obdds) (PubAnnounce f g) = imp (bddOf kns f) g' where
g' = bddOf newkns g
newkns = GenKnS allprops (con lawbdd (bddOf kns f)) obdds
bddOf _ (PubAnnounceW _ _) = error "bddOf failed: PubAnnounceW not implemented"

bddOf _ (AnnounceW{}) = error "bddOf failed: AnnounceW not implemented"
bddOf kns@(GenKnS allprops lawbdd obdds) (Announce ags f g) = imp (bddOf kns f) g' where
(P k) = freshp allprops
newprops = sort (P k:allprops)
newlawbdd = con lawbdd (imp (var k) (bddOf kns f))
newobdds = map changeobdd obdds
changeobdd (i,oi) = if i `elem` ags
then (i,con oi (equ (var k) (var ((2*k)+1))))
else (i,oi)
newkns = GenKnS newprops newlawbdd newobdds
g' = restrict (bddOf newkns g) (k,True)

validViaBdd :: GenKnowStruct -> Form -> Bool
validViaBdd kns@(GenKnS _ lawbdd _) f = top == imp lawbdd (bddOf kns f)

evalViaBdd :: GenScenario -> Form -> Bool
evalViaBdd (kns@(GenKnS allprops _ _),s) f = let
b = restrictSet (bddOf kns f) list
list = [ (n,True) | (P n) <- s ] ++ [ (n,False) | (P n) <- allprops \\ s ]
case (b==top,b==bot) of
(True,_) -> True
(_,True) -> False
_ -> error "evalViaBdd failed: Composite BDD leftover."

texGenStructure :: GenScenario -> String -> IO String
texGenStructure (GenKnS props lawbdd obdds, state) filename = do
let (bddprefix,bddsuffix) = ("\\begin{array}{l} \\scalebox{0.4}{", "} \\end{array} \n")
lawbddtex <- texBDD lawbdd
obddstringspure <- mapM (texBDD . snd) obdds
let obddstringpairs = zip (map fst obdds) obddstringspure
let obddstrings = map ( \(i,os) -> "O_" ++ show i ++ " = " ++ bddprefix ++ os ++ bddsuffix ) obddstringpairs
let fullstring = " \\left( \n"
++ texPropSet props ++ ", "
++ bddprefix ++ lawbddtex ++ bddsuffix
++ ", " ++ intercalate ", " obddstrings
++ " \\right) , " ++ texPropSet state
_ <- writeFile ("tmp/" ++ filename ++ ".tex") fullstring
return ("Structure was TeX'd to"++filename)

genKrp2Kns :: GeneralPointedModel -> GenScenario
genKrp2Kns (pm@(GenKrM states rel val), cur) = (GenKnS voc lawbdd obdds, trAt cur) where
voc = (map fst . snd . head) val
lawbdd = disSet [ booloutof (trAt s) voc | s <- states ]
obdds = [ (i, relBddFor pm i ) | i <- agents ]
agents = map fst rel
trAt s = map fst $ filter snd (fromJust $ lookup s val)

exampleGenScn :: GenScenario
exampleGenScn = genKrp2Kns examplePointedModel

exampleGenStruct :: GenKnowStruct
exampleGenState :: KnState
(exampleGenStruct,exampleGenState) = exampleGenScn
50 changes: 50 additions & 0 deletions BENCHDC.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,50 @@

module Main (main) where
import Control.Monad (when)
import Data.Time (diffUTCTime,getCurrentTime,NominalDiffTime)
import System.Environment (getArgs)
import System.IO (hSetBuffering,BufferMode(NoBuffering),stdout)
import DELLANG
import KNSCAC
import EXAMPLES (genDcKnsInit,genDcReveal)

genDcCheckForm :: Int -> Form
genDcCheckForm n = Impl (Neg (PrpF $ P 1)) $
PubAnnounceW (Xor [genDcReveal n i | i<-[1..n] ]) $
Disj [ K 1 (Conj [Neg $ PrpF $ P k | k <- [1..n] ])
, Conj [ K 1 (Disj [ PrpF $ P k | k <- [2..n] ])
, Conj [ Neg $ K 1 (PrpF $ P k) | k <- [2..n] ] ] ]

genDcValid :: Int -> Bool
genDcValid n = validViaBdd (genDcKnsInit n) (genDcCheckForm n)

dcTimeThis :: Int -> IO NominalDiffTime
dcTimeThis n = do
start <- getCurrentTime
let mykns@(KnS props _ _) = genDcKnsInit n
putStr $ show (length props) ++ "\t"
putStr $ show (length $ show mykns) ++ "\t"
putStr $ show (length $ show $ genDcCheckForm n) ++ "\t"
if genDcValid n then do
end <- getCurrentTime
return (end `diffUTCTime` start)
error "Wrong result."

mainLoop :: [Int] -> Int -> IO ()
mainLoop [] _ = putStrLn ""
mainLoop (n:ns) limit = do
putStr $ show n ++ "\t"
result <- dcTimeThis n
print result
when (result <= fromIntegral limit) $ mainLoop ns limit

main :: IO ()
main = do
args <- getArgs
hSetBuffering stdout NoBuffering
case args of
[aInteger] | [(n,_)] <- reads aInteger -> do
putStrLn $ "n" ++ "\tn(prps)"++ "\tsz(KNS)"++ "\tsz(frm)" ++ "\ttime"
mainLoop (3:(5 : map (10*) [1..])) n
_ -> error "Please give a maximum runtime as an argument."
111 changes: 111 additions & 0 deletions BENCHMC.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,111 @@

module Main (main) where
import Control.Monad
import Data.List
import Data.Time (getCurrentTime, NominalDiffTime, diffUTCTime)
import System.Environment (getArgs)
import System.IO (stdout, hSetBuffering, BufferMode(NoBuffering))
import DELLANG
import qualified DEMO_S5
import qualified KNSCAC
import qualified KNSCUDD
import qualified KNSROB
import qualified KNSNOO
import qualified MCTRIANGLE

checkForm :: Int -> Int -> Form
checkForm n 0 = nobodyknows n
checkForm n k = PubAnnounce (nobodyknows n) (checkForm n (k-1))

findNumberWith :: (Int -> Int -> a, a -> Form -> Bool) -> Int -> Int -> Int
findNumberWith (start,evalfunction) n m = loop 0 where
loop count = if evalfunction (start n m) (PubAnnounce (father n) (checkForm n count))
then loop (count+1)
else count

mudPs :: Int -> [Prp]
mudPs n = [P 1 .. P n]

findNumberCacBdd :: Int -> Int -> Int
findNumberCacBdd = findNumberWith (cacMudScnInit,KNSCAC.evalViaBdd) where
cacMudScnInit n m = ( KNSCAC.KnS (mudPs n) (KNSCAC.boolBddOf Top) [ (i,delete (P i) (mudPs n)) | i <- [1..n] ], [P 1 .. P m] )

findNumberCUDD :: Int -> Int -> Int
findNumberCUDD = findNumberWith (cuddMudScnInit,KNSCUDD.evalViaBdd) where
cuddMudScnInit n m = ( KNSCUDD.KnS (mudPs n) (KNSCUDD.boolBddOf Top) [ (i,delete (P i) (mudPs n)) | i <- [1..n] ], [P 1 .. P m] )

findNumberRobBdd :: Int -> Int -> Int
findNumberRobBdd = findNumberWith (robMudScnInit,KNSROB.evalViaBdd) where
robMudScnInit n m = ( KNSROB.KnS (mudPs n) (KNSROB.boolBddOf Top) [ (i,delete (P i) (mudPs n)) | i <- [1..n] ], [P 1 .. P m] )

findNumberNooBdd :: Int -> Int -> Int
findNumberNooBdd = findNumberWith (nooMudScnInit,KNSNOO.evalViaBdd) where
nooMudScnInit n m = ( KNSNOO.KnS (mudPs n) (KNSNOO.boolBddOf Top) [ (i,delete (P i) (mudPs n)) | i <- [1..n] ], [P 1 .. P m] )

mudDemoKrpInit :: Int -> Int -> DEMO_S5.EpistM [Bool]
mudDemoKrpInit n m = DEMO_S5.Mo states agents [] rels points where
states = DEMO_S5.bTables n
agents = map DEMO_S5.Ag [1..n]
rels = [(DEMO_S5.Ag i, [[tab1++[True]++tab2,tab1++[False]++tab2] |
tab1 <- DEMO_S5.bTables (i-1),
tab2 <- DEMO_S5.bTables (n-i) ]) | i <- [1..n] ]
points = [replicate (n-m) False ++ replicate m True]

findNumberDemo :: Int -> Int -> Int
findNumberDemo n m = findNumberDemoLoop n m 0 start where
start = DEMO_S5.upd_pa (mudDemoKrpInit n m) (DEMO_S5.fatherN n)

findNumberDemoLoop :: Int -> Int -> Int -> DEMO_S5.EpistM [Bool] -> Int
findNumberDemoLoop n m count curMod =
if DEMO_S5.isTrue curMod (DEMO_S5.dont n)
then findNumberDemoLoop n m (count+1) (DEMO_S5.upd_pa curMod (DEMO_S5.dont n))
else count

findNumberTriangle :: Int -> Int -> Int
findNumberTriangle n m = findNumberTriangleLoop 0 start where
start = MCTRIANGLE.update (MCTRIANGLE.mcModel (n-m,m)) (MCTRIANGLE.Qf MCTRIANGLE.some)

findNumberTriangleLoop :: Int -> MCTRIANGLE.McModel -> Int
findNumberTriangleLoop count curMod =
if MCTRIANGLE.eval curMod MCTRIANGLE.nobodyknows
then findNumberTriangleLoop (count+1) (MCTRIANGLE.update curMod MCTRIANGLE.nobodyknows)
else count

timeWith :: Int -> Int -> (Int -> Int -> Int) -> IO NominalDiffTime
timeWith n m function = do
start <- getCurrentTime
if function n m == (m - 1)
then do end <- getCurrentTime
return (end `diffUTCTime` start)
else error "Wrong result."

mainLoop :: [(Bool, Int -> Int -> Int)] -> [Int] -> Int -> IO ()
mainLoop _ [] _ = putStrLn ""
mainLoop fs (n:ns) limit = do
putStr $ show n ++ "\t"
results <- mapM (\(bit,f) ->
if bit then do
result <- timeWith n n f
putStr $ init (show result) ++ replicate (9 - length (show result)) '0' ++ "\t"
return result
else do
putStr "nan \t"
return 0
) fs
putStrLn ""
let newfs = map (\((bit,f),t) -> (bit && (t<= fromIntegral limit), f)) (zip fs results)
when (any fst newfs) $ mainLoop newfs ns limit

main :: IO ()
main = do
hSetBuffering stdout NoBuffering
putStrLn $ "Initializing CacBDD: 40==" ++ show (findNumberCacBdd 41 41)
putStrLn $ "Initializing CUDD: 40==" ++ show (findNumberCUDD 41 41)
putStrLn $ "n\t" ++ concatMap (++ "\t") ["TRIANGLE","KNSCAC ","KNSCUDD ", "KNSROB ","KNSNOO ","DEMO-S5 "]
let allfs = [findNumberTriangle, findNumberCacBdd, findNumberCUDD, findNumberRobBdd, findNumberNooBdd, findNumberDemo]
args <- getArgs
case args of
[aInteger] | [(n,_)] <- reads aInteger ->
mainLoop (zip (repeat True) allfs) ([3..40]++[50,60,70,80,90,100]) n
_ -> error "Please give a maximum runtime as an argument."

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