- 1. Python >= 3.6.
- 2. numpy >=1.16.
- 3. scipy>=1.5.2.
- 4. tqdm>=4.42.1
- 5. numba>=0.49.0
- 6. networkx>=2.4
- 7. jax
The script is an example of the optimization of the hidden fermion determinant state where the hidden sub-matrix is parametrized by multilayer perceptrons. The physical system is a 4X4 square Hubbard model at quarter occupation with onsite repulsion U =10. The system size, number of fermions and value of U can be changed by changing the value of the variables L, N_up and N_down and U respectively. To run just use:
The script contains the JAX implementation of the wave function, as well as the definition of the operators that enter the Hamiltonian.
This implementation uses NetKet as a backend that handles the sampling, optimization of the wave function, and the calculation of expectation values. The NetKet backend is provided in this repository.