Command line tool to run R scripts that are annotated with rix roxygen2 tags.
- @rix r_ver
- @rix r_pkgs
- @rix system_pkgs
- @rix git_pkgs
These annotations will be used in {rix} to generate the nix configuration of the environment that will run the R script.
Clone this repo and put rix-run
in your path.
$ git clone [email protected]:jrosell/rix-run.git
$ chmod u+x rix-run/rix-run
$ cp rix-run/rix-run ./somewhere/in/your/search/path
The examples/data-visualize.R file include r_ver and r_pkgs annotated values.
Once rix-run
is installed, to run the script execute:
$ rix-run examples/data-visualize.R
To use docker:
$ docker build -f Dockerfile -t rix-run-image . \
&& docker run --name rix-run-container --rm -v $(pwd)/examples:/workspace/examples/:rw rix-run-image
To clean up the used docker images and containers:
(docker container rm -f rix-run-container || true) \
&& (docker rmi $(docker images --format '{{.Repository}}:{{.ID}}'| egrep 'rix-run-image' | cut -d':' -f2 | uniq) --force || true)
The examples/targets-run1.R file is a _targets.R script file that will be exacuted with tar_make when using the --targets argument.
Once rix-run
is installed, to run the target script execute:
$ rix-run examples/targets-run1.R --targets
First time result example:
> dispatched target file_url
o completed target file_url [0.089 seconds]
> dispatched target file
o completed target file [0.045 seconds]
> dispatched target data
o completed target data [0.147 seconds]
> dispatched target model
o completed target model [0.003 seconds]
> dispatched target plot
o completed target plot [0.013 seconds]
> ended pipeline [0.447 seconds]
Following times resul example:
v skipped target file_url
v skipped target file
v skipped target data
v skipped target model
v skipped target plot
v skipped pipeline [0.168 seconds]
- It's tested on Ubuntu. If you want to help, please test Debian, Fedora, Centos, MacOS, etc. Windows it's not (yet?) supported.
- Please, open an issue if you have any problem.
- Feel free to open a PR to improve