A simulation to test different PrimeDice auto-bet settings. The simulator outputs results in the form of graphs such as the one below.
- matplotlib
- numpy
- python 3
PrimeDice is an online bitcoin gambling website in which you can choose different values, such as your initial bet amount, the amount of "risk" you want to take, and the amount that you increase your bet after every loss. The site then has an auto-bet setting where the computer will make rolls over and over until either the user decides to stop or the user goes bankrupt.
Of course, the question every gambler wants the answer to is "What is the best gambling strategy?" So this program simulates several rounds with a given setting and records how long it takes for the player to go bankrupt each time. The output is then the average of those several simulations, and it gives a good idea of roughly how long you would have until you go bankrupt.
One interesting aspect to point out is that, as many millions of simulations I have run, the player has always gone bankrupt eventually. I think that says a thing or two about the nature of gambling.