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drierat edited this page Jan 10, 2014 · 5 revisions

Here, as a developer, you can find a few ideas to complete kPAX:

kPAX platform improvement

  • A generic authentication module to be used by any platform (i.e. web, mobile, video consoles, etc.) allowing users to login with their users from other networks (e.g. UOC, Facebook, LinkedIn, etc.).

  • A service allowing any games related searches in the DB. Furthermore, an elgg plugin which shows a preview of the returned data should be programmed. The result should be something like a Google Play Store (Android market). [Partly completed]

  • A games manager: A new plugin (plus services) to communicate with games developers. This should allow to include the necessary data to define the game, including the screenshots, the link/s to download the game, etc. This might make it necessary to incorporate changes to the DB.

  • A service to search for friends in kPAX, and the plugin to visualise it (it may already exist in elgg)

  • A service to set the user profile up, and the corresponding plugins. [Partly completed]

  • A set of services to manage the groups of users (to create groups, leagues, contests, interactions between them, etc.). [Partly completed]

  • A set of services to recover scores from the DB, rankings generation, etc. per game, league, group, etc.).

  • Any other ideas?

Educational games

  • Eco-games for children: The idea is to create a set of mini-games to help children to learn some basics on sustainability. They can be designed either for touch-screens or for normal PCs/consoles/etc. Examples of mini-games might be, for instance, a screen with a set of bins (with the corresponding colours denoting the kind of trash expected) and different elements appearing, which must touch, dragged and dropped in the bins. Another possibility is to design a 2D game where multiple players try to do the same but competing. The game mechanism can be similar to the game Bomber man, for instance.

  • Quiz-cup: This might be a quiz game but totally related to a global classification, and the idea is that you always play against somebody who is at most 10 positions before or after you. The idea is to have a very dynamic game.

  • Mathematics game: This could be a role-playing-like game, but, combats dice-rolling might be substituted by different level (depending on the enemy) mathematical problems. In fact, this may be applied to history, spelling, etc.

Thank you very much for your help.

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