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Mynt edited this page Apr 26, 2012 · 5 revisions

Here, as a developer, you can find a few ideas to improve kPAX:

  • A generic authentication module to be used by any platform (i.e. web, mobile, video consoles, etc.) allowing users to login with their users from other networks (e.g. UOC, Facebook, LinkedIn, etc.).

  • A service allowing any games related searches in the DB. Furthermore, an elgg plugin which shows a preview of the returned data should be programmed. The result should be something like a Google Play Store (Android market).

  • A games manager: A new plugin (plus services) to communicate with games developers. This should allow to include the necessary data to define the game, including the screenshots, the link/s to download the game, etc. This might make it necessary to incorporate changes to the DB.

  • A service to search for friends in kPAX, and the plugin to visualise it (it may already exist in elgg)

  • A service to set the user profile up, and the corresponding plugins.

  • A set of services to manage the groups of users (to create groups, leagues, contests, interactions between them, etc.).

  • A set of services to recover scores from the DB, rankings generation, etc. per game, league, group, etc.).

  • Any other ideas?

Thank you very much for your help.

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