Storing my dotfiles for easy syncing
- Write intial make file to setup symlinks.
- Rearrange vim and zsh and make sure they're complete for symlink script to be easiest.
- Add shell color scheme settings (.terminal file for OSX, not sure for Linux).
- Research updating symlinks so that an alternative make file or script can be used to keep multiple machines up-to-date.
- Figure out what has to be done to install Vundle first, considering vim now hanldes Vundle itself.
- Add Homebrew and Homebrew installs for OSX
- Add apt-get installs for Linux.
- Add git aliases.
- Add gitconfig
- User install2.r or similar to install R packages I always want.
- Break up into more parts.
- Figure out why ln -sF and ln -sf don't work for vim => ~/.vim
- find a place for
vim +PluginInstall +qall
to go.