A React error boundary component with integrated Sentry error reporting using Raven JS. This library uses a single instance of Raven to manually capture exceptions in the React lifecycle method componentDidCatch.
npm install --save-dev react-sentry-error-boundary
prop-types >=15.5.0
raven-js >=3.26.3
react >=16.0.0
import MyWidget from './MyWidget'
import SentryErrorBoundary from 'react-sentry-error-boundary'
import React from 'react'
const App = () =>
<SentryErrorBoundary dsn="https://<key>@sentry.io/<project>">
<MyWidget />
export default App
A Sentry configuration object.
Required Documentation
A Sentry DSN URL.
A callback function to execute on error.
A node to render on error.
A bool indicating whether errors are logged to Sentry. Defaults to true.
A Sentry user context object.